On Aug 15, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Alex Lourie wrote:
Hi Ian
You're right in that superuser privileges are required to make this work. But it
would rarely happen that remote DB admin would give you a user with super privileges. The
solution we've come up with is this:
1. Use (or tell remote DB admin to do so) the psql command to load the extension
functions to template1 DB on remote DB server:
psql -U postgres -d template1 -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/uuid-ossp.sql
2. Now, all newly created databases will include extension functions.
template1 is a special DB in postgres. In fact, when you create a new DB, it is actually
copied from template1 with a new name.
This way, we can still work with the user that has no superuser privileges in the remote
DB server.
Thanks for your reply. Though, to be fair, a DB admin might also object to including the
uuid-ossp extension functions by default on the template DB. That said, it's certainly
preferred over full superuser privs :)