I'm not an expert with ovirt by any means, I've been running it for about 1.5
years coming from Xen.
I have a Vm with 16TiB of storage that will not boot, it has some snapshots that wont
remove. The web gui says it finished removing the last snapshot, but I don't think it
actually did (took it about 50 hours).... I have no idea what is wrong with the vm that
wont boot, it just says it's starting and never actually starts. Eventually I'll
get a message that it failed to start.
The boot drive of that vm is 16GB. I removed any snapshots from it and was able to clone
it to a new disk, make a new vm and attach that disk to the new vm... booted fine. Now,
the storage disk is what I really need working, but I do not have enough space to clone it
and I cannot unattach it from the flakey vm since it has snapshots... and it seemingly
won't remove the snapshots.
Right now, I think its actually still maybe attempting to remove the snapshot? in top, I
see qemu-img pulling all of one core at about 100%. unfortunately its very very slow
because it's only using one core (of 16). This seemed to be a thing, AFAIK, when
removing/merging snapshots in that it will only run single threaded... if it takes a
while I don't care, I just want to know what's going on.
I can't find any logs to look at that tell me that a snapshot removal or merge is
ongoing or ever happened. I cannot find any logs that ever stated the progress of any
such merge either. Any pointers there?
Also, my backup machine died about 2 weeks ago taking its raid 5 with it... of course...
I've been busy at work and figured I'd fix or rebuild it in a couple of weeks...
so I don't have a good recent backup of my data on this vm, which is why I'm
trying to get it to boot up again.