Hi Massimo,
This snapshot should be removed from the DB, as it seems that the vdsm-dump
has 1 image related to the 'a0f9a434-7837-4ec6-8017-c9698ed5cd01' image ,
while the engine reports on 2 images (64ac336f-25d8-43d0-aeb8-7fb77bf6ef97
and 776e817f-2112-4d42-8380-4160caf5059f)
In order to delete that snapshot, run this command:
SELECT DeleteSnapshot(<'snapshot-id'>);
*Shani Leviim*
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 1:13 AM Massimo Coloma <mad1969it(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I send you the output of the first query:
engine=# SELECT * FROM images_storage_domain_view
images_storage_domain_view WHERE image_group_id =
image_guid | storage_name | storage_pool_id | storage_type |
creation_date | size | it_guid | description | parentid |
lastmodified | app_list | storage_id | vm_snapshot_id | volume_type |
volume_format | qcow_compat | imagestatus | imag
e_group_id | active | volume_classification | entity_type | vm_names |
number_of_vms | template_version_names | disk_id
| disk_alias | disk_description | shareable | wipe_after_delete |
propagate_errors | sgio | disk_content_type | backup
| quota_id | quota_name | quota_enforcement_type | disk_profile_id |
disk_profile_name | actual_size | read_rate | wri
te_rate | read_latency_seconds | write_latency_seconds |
flush_latency_seconds | disk_storage_type | cinder_volume_type
| image_transfer_phase | image_transfer_type | image_transfer_bytes_sent
| image_transfer_bytes_total | progress
(0 rows)
The second query:
engine=# SELECT * FROM images_storage_domain_view
images_storage_domain_view WHERE image_group_id =
image_guid | storage_name | storage_pool_id | storage_type |
creation_date | size | it_guid | description | parentid |
lastmodified | app_list | storage_id | vm_snapshot_id | volume_type |
volume_format | qcow_compat | imagestatus | imag
e_group_id | active | volume_classification | entity_type | vm_names |
number_of_vms | template_version_names | disk_id
| disk_alias | disk_description | shareable | wipe_after_delete |
propagate_errors | sgio | disk_content_type | backup
| quota_id | quota_name | quota_enforcement_type | disk_profile_id |
disk_profile_name | actual_size | read_rate | wri
te_rate | read_latency_seconds | write_latency_seconds |
flush_latency_seconds | disk_storage_type | cinder_volume_type
| image_transfer_phase | image_transfer_type | image_transfer_bytes_sent
| image_transfer_bytes_total | progress
(0 rows)
The last query:
engine=# SELECT * FROM images_storage_domain_view
images_storage_domain_view WHERE image_group_id =
image_guid | storage_name |
storage_pool_id | storage_type | creati
on_date | size | it_guid |
description | parentid
| lastmodified | app_list | storage_id
| vm_snapshot_id
| volume_type | volume_format | qcow_compat | imagestatus |
image_group_id | active | volume_
classification | entity_type | vm_names | number_of_vms |
template_version_names | disk_id
| disk_alias | disk_description | shareable |
wipe_after_delete | propagate_errors | sgio | disk_content_t
ype | backup | quota_id | quota_name |
quota_enforcement_type | disk_profile_id
| disk_profile_name | actual_size | read_rate | write_rate |
read_latency_seconds | write_latency_seconds |
flush_latency_seconds | disk_storage_type | cinder_volume_type |
image_transfer_phase | image_transfer_type | image_tra
nsfer_bytes_sent | image_transfer_bytes_total | progress
64ac336f-25d8-43d0-aeb8-7fb77bf6ef97 | PRODIBM01 |
c6f4af45-0b09-4dfb-b391-338b82e580a9 | 2 | 2019-01-02
15:04:07+01 | 214748364800 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
post_install_os | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000
0000 | 2019-01-03 12:05:21.456+01 | |
eb483eb3-a9ce-4867-9ce8-96a0ca171042 | 5a52c9c4-3e8d-432b-9c20-d5f13bf36
409 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 4 |
a0f9a434-7837-4ec6-8017-c9698ed5cd01 | f |
1 | VM | ansiblower01 | 1 |
| a0f9a434-7837-4ec6-8017-c9698ed5
cd01 | ansiblower01_Disk1 | | f | f
| Off | |
0 | None | 59e09256-0240-024f-022a-0000000004f3 | Default |
0 | 2c9bf189-4fd3-4a75-9e25-0f2
c8c087979 | PRODIBM01 | 214748364800 | 12577 | 4495961 |
0.002289568 | 0.001800266 |
0.000028345 | 0 | |
| |
| |
776e817f-2112-4d42-8380-4160caf5059f | PRODIBM01 |
c6f4af45-0b09-4dfb-b391-338b82e580a9 | 2 | 2019-01-04
14:47:09+01 | 214748364800 | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Active VM | 64ac336f-25d8-43d0-aeb8-7fb77bf6
ef97 | 2020-04-17 09:13:23.16+02 | |
eb483eb3-a9ce-4867-9ce8-96a0ca171042 | 8400fcae-ad11-4fa4-a67e-bfd5d6fc9
e8e | 2 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
a0f9a434-7837-4ec6-8017-c9698ed5cd01 | t |
1 | VM | ansiblower01 | 1 |
| a0f9a434-7837-4ec6-8017-c9698ed5
cd01 | ansiblower01_Disk1 | | f | f
| Off | |
0 | None | 59e09256-0240-024f-022a-0000000004f3 | Default |
0 | 2c9bf189-4fd3-4a75-9e25-0f2
c8c087979 | PRODIBM01 | 214748364800 | 0 | 14677 |
0.000000000 | 0.001249035 |
0.000032793 | 0 | |
| |
| |
(2 rows)
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