On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Alexis HAUSER
<alexis.hauser(a)telecom-bretagne.eu> wrote:
I am reinstalling a new Node with a new hosted-engine and I would like to import an iSCSI
storage from a previous ovirt installation.
However, I can see all LUN present on that iSCSI but the one I want... I checked from the
iSCSI array and this disk still exists, it's just not detected from Ovirt (3.6)...
I tried to make a new data domain and chosed that same iSCSI and it's also not
Any ideas ?
Did you deployed the engine from scratch or did your restored there a backup?
In 3.5 we were registering an hosted-engine iSCSI storage domain as a
(fake) direct LUN into the engine to prevent any misuse.
I didn't remove the storage from the Engine interface on the
previous installation, just just turned off all VMs accessing the iSCSI and unplugged the
cable. Is it possible there is still a lock file or something from the previous hypervisor
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