This is how I see it:
Engine should have an offline database of its assigned hosts and their
state (With state I mean properties. One of these properties would be
the auto-start one).
So when a host starts the engine starts and then loops assigned virtual
machines. While looping the virtual machines checs its auto-start
property. If it's set to true it starts the virtual machine.
Not sure if what I am describing has an easy implementation with current
oVirt architecture. Any comments from people who might understand better
oVirt architecture on this use-case?
I think the hosts should rely the least possible on the management server.
my concern is how to make sure engine only starts VMs it should in this
*De: *"Itamar Heim" <iheim(a)>
*Para: *"Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.gibanel(a)>
*CC: *"users" <users(a)>
*Enviados: *Viernes, 7 de Diciembre 2012 19:39:26
*Asunto: *Re: [Users] Auto-start vms on boot?
On 12/07/2012 06:23 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
> My use case is that I just don't want to start manually the
virtual machines when the host starts and, also, if the host is
shutdown it should guest-shutdown the virtual machines.
> Any doc on that pin option? How one is supposed to pin a virtual
machine to a host?
just to be clear, we still don't have the behavior i described. I just
stated the only use case i'm familiar for a similar requirement.
(pinning a VM to host is done via the edit vm dialog).
question on your use case - how would the engine know if the admin just
shutdown a VM manually from a VM which should be auto started
(should we
add such a checkbox).
in the use case i described, we would be adding a 'start/stop VM with
host' for a VM pinned to a host.
> Thank you.
> ----- Mensaje original -----
>> On 12/06/2012 10:34 PM, Adrian Gibanel wrote:
>>> It would seem that oVirt does not provide an standard way of
>>> forcing boot of virtual machines at boot.
>>> Pools can have pre-started vms as stated here:
>>> but pools imply state-less virtual machines and I am talking more
>>> about normal virtual machines.
>>> I've found this script:
>>> which could do to the trick if run at host boot.
>>> I've also thought (but not tried) to mark a virtual machine as
>>> "Highly Available" even if I have only one host (I mean,
>>> HA only makes sense when you have two hosts).
>>> Marking a VM as H.A. would do the trick?
>>> Any special reason why there isn't and standard way of marking
>>> which vms should be auto-started at boot?
>>> Just wanted to hear your thoughts before filling an RFE.
>>> Thank you.
>> what exactly is your use case?
>> the one i'm familiar with is to tie the VM life cycle to a specific
>> host, so a VM which is pinned to a specific host for a certain task
>> (say, IDS), is always starting when the host starts, and will be
>> automatically shutdown when host is moved to maintenance.
>> so only relevant for VMs which are pinned to a host.
<>*Adrián Gibanel*
I.T. Manager
+34 675 683 301 <>
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