On 02/10/2014 08:00 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Alon Bar-Lev
<alonbl(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dafna Ron" <dron(a)redhat.com>
>> To: "Gianluca Cecchi" <gianluca.cecchi(a)gmail.com>, "Alon
Bar-Lev" <alonbl(a)redhat.com>
>> Cc: "users" <users(a)ovirt.org>
>> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 11:31:33 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Users] Unable to activate iSCSI domain after crash of host
>> adding Alon
>> On 02/08/2014 05:42 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
>>> where can I find the function that encrypts iscsi chap password and
>>> put the encrypted value into storage_server_connections table?
>>> So that I can try to reinsert it and verify.
> You can just put plain password, it should work...
> If you want to encrypt use:
> echo -n 'PASSWORD' | openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -certin -inkey
/etc/pki/ovirt-engine/certs/engine.cer | openssl enc -a | tr -d '\n'
> But Dafna, isn't there a way at UI to re-specify password, so it be encrypted by
the application?
the problem is that the storage already exists but non-operational and
we cannot edit a storage in any status other than active.
so if the password changed during a storage issue, the storage cannot
recover to active state if the password had changed and the luns are not
visible on the storage and we also cannot edit the password for the
>>> Thanks
>>> Gianluca
>> --
>> Dafna Ron
In my opinion when I first defined the ISCSI domain and input a wrong
password there was something not correctly managed when I then used
the correct one.
In fact in my opinion it seems there is no correspondence between
storage_domains table and storage_server_connections table.
If I take a glusterfs domain named gv01 I see this:
engine=# select * from storage_server_connections where id=(select
storage from storage_domains where storage_name='gv01');
id | connection | user_name |
password | iqn | port | portal | storage_type | mount_options |
| nfs_version | nfs_timeo | nfs_retrans
66663b6a-aff3-47fa-b7ca-8e809804cbe2 | ovnode01:gv01 | |
| | | | 7 | | glusterfs
| | |
(1 row)
Instead for this ISCSI domain named OV01
engine=# select * from storage_server_connections where id=(select
storage from storage_domains where storage_name='OV01');
id | connection | user_name | password | iqn | port | portal |
storage_type | mount_options | vfs_type | nfs_version | nfs_timeo |
(0 rows)
In particular:
engine=# select * from storage_domains where storage_name='OV01';
id | storage
| storage_name | storage_description | storage_comment |
storage_pool_id | available_disk_size | used_disk_size
| commited_disk_size | actual_images_size | status | storage_pool_name
storage_type | storage_domain_type | storage_domain_format_type |
last_time_used_as_master | storage_domain_shared_status | recoverable
f741671e-6480-4d7b-b357-8cf6e8d2c0f1 |
uqe7UZ-PaBY-IiLj-XLAY-XoCZ-cmOk-cMJkeX | OV01 |
| | 546cd2
9c-7249-4733-8fd5-317cff38ed71 | 44 | 5
| 10 | 1 | 4 | ISCSI
3 | 0 | 3 |
0 | 2 | t
(1 row)
engine=# select * from storage_pool where
id | name | description |
storage_pool_type | storage_pool_format_type | status |
master_domain_version |
spm_vds_id | compatibility_version | _create_date |
_update_date | quota_enforcement_type |
546cd29c-7249-4733-8fd5-317cff38ed71 | ISCSI | |
3 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
| 3.3 | 2014-02-05 11:46:50.797079+01 |
2014-02-05 23:53:18.864716+01 | 0 |
(1 row)
engine=# select * from storage_server_connections where user_name='ovirt';
id | connection | user_name |
iqn | port | portal | storage_type
| mount_options | vfs_type | nfs_version | nfs_timeo | nfs_retrans
6a5b159d-4c11-43cc-aa09-55c325de47b3 | | ovirt |
| iqn.2013-
09.local.localdomain:c6iscsit.target11 | 3260 | 1 | 3
| | | | |
(1 row)
If I run this update and then restart engine and vdsmd on host I can
get ISCSI domain active again...
engine=# update storage_server_connections set id=(select storage from
storage_domains where storage_name='OV01') where user_name='ovirt';
What do you think about it?
Dafna Ron