I'm running ovirt 4.4.2 on CentOS 8.2. My ovirt nodes have two network
addresses, ovirtmgmt and a second used for normal routed traffic to the
cluster and WAN.
After the ovirt nodes were set up, I found that I needed to add an extra
static route to the cluster interface to allow the hosts to see my ceph
storage nodes (to make the rbd images visible to the VMs): via
I can add this route using three different methods:
1) ip route add via
2) nmcli conn modify enp65s0f0 ipv4.routes ""
nmcli conn down enp65s0f0
nmcli conn up enp65s0f0
3) vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-enp65s0f0
ifdown enp65s0f0
ifup enp65s0f0
However, when I reboot the host, the static route goes away. Methods 2
and 3 have always given me a persistent static route on other EL8 hosts,
but not on my ovirt nodes.
What is the correct way to add a persistent static route on an ovirt host?