I don't understand. iSCSI is a network storage protocol. What do
mean by "I access it directly"? When you set up the first host with an
iSCSI storage domain, you would have had to point it to an IP address,
"discover" the LUNs and then attach to them. This sets up the domain.
As I explained, I don't use an iSCSI server, that's what I call accessing it
Yes, my iSCSI storage is working on my first Host, it has been discovered successfully,
some VM are working on it etc...
The second host can discover it so I don't think it's a network issue.
From the vdsm logs from second host ("the non working one")
it looks like it can even see the LVM on it, right ?
Thread-32::DEBUG::2016-07-19 08:41:37,935::lvm::290::Storage.Misc.excCmd::(cmd) FAILED:
<err> = ' Volume group "091e0526-1ff3-4ca3-863c-b911cf69277b" not
found\n Cannot process volume group 091e0526-1ff3-4ca3-863c-b911cf69277b\n';
<rc> = 5
On the second host, to access iSCSI storage you will have to have an
interface (defined in "Networks" in oVirt) that can connect to the same
IP and port the first host used.
Yes I have an network interface working on the second host, which is ovirtmgmt. I can
access all other storage correctly from that host without errors. I can discover the
As it is a multipath iSCSI, does it need to acces one different path for each host ? I
didn't set anything about iSCSI bonding, I use only one single interface on each