I have a 3 nodes with HP blade servers G7 and ILO3. ILO3 with the latest firmware 1.93
from Aug 07 2020.
I'm try to migrate from Ovirt 4.3 to 4.4 with Centos 8, but I had a problem with setup
ssh ilo fence on this nodes. In Ovirt 4.3 with Centos 7 all is works.
When I try to Test fence, I see ERROR: Unable to connect/login to fencing device.
When I try to use /usr/sbin/fence_ilo_ssh I see the same error.
So, I know where is a problem. The problem in an old ssh security keys
When I add to /root/.ssh/config some exclude for use HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss I can
connect to ilo over ssh from root with:
/usr/sbin/fence_ilo_ssh -a -l user -p passwordh -x -u 22 --login-timeout=10 -o
status and see:
Status: ON
But when I try again setup ilo_ssh fence in Ovirt-engine UI I still have the same ERROR:
Unable to connect/login to fencing device.
How can I solve this problem in Ovirt?