Has anyone had any success with cloud-init and templates with ovirt
3.4? So far, it seems to be able to configure things like networks
etc. But when it goes to do with passwords, it must be set again in
the "run once" or in the "Initial Run" even if "Use already
password" is set.
Another thing, why is it only setup to change the root password? By
default cloud-init will block root, so nearly all images need to be
modified ie.
sed -i 's/disable_root: 1/disable_root: 0\nchpasswd: { expire: False
}/g' /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
Otherwise, you'll login and it'll ask you to change your password.
Defeats the purpose of setting it through cloud-init? I'm also not
being able to just set an SSH key, it insists a password otherwise the
key won't get uploaded.
Finally, templates seem to be lacking validation. Where "Initial Run"
and "Run Once" will give the red box if you have the wrong syntax
while templates don't care.