Quick question, after installing Ovirt before “hosted-engine –deploy” is the website with
http? Not https.
Yours Sincerely,
From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)redhat.com>
Sent: Sunday, 25 October 2020 16:46
To: Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos(a)redhat.com>
Cc: info(a)worldhostess.com; Edward Berger <edwberger(a)gmail.com>; users
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: 20+ Fresh Installs Failing in 20+ days [newbie &
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 12:31 PM Simone Tiraboschi <stirabos(a)redhat.com
<mailto:stirabos@redhat.com> > wrote:
Hi Henni,
your issue is just here:
2020-10-16 11:20:59,445+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"hostname_resolution_output" type "<class 'dict'>"
value: "{
"changed": true,
"cmd": "getent ahosts node01.xyz.co.za <
| grep STREAM",
"delta": "0:00:00.004671",
"end": "2020-10-16 11:20:59.179399",
"failed": false,
"rc": 0,
"start": "2020-10-16 11:20:59.174728",
"stderr": "",
"stderr_lines": [],
"stdout": " STREAM node01.xyz.co.za
http://node01.xyz.co.za> ",
"stdout_lines": [
" STREAM node01.xyz.co.za <
but then...
2020-10-16 12:15:43,079+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"he_vm_ip_addr" type "<class
'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode'>" value:
2020-10-16 12:15:43,079+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"he_vm_ip_prefix" type "<class 'int'>" value:
2020-10-16 12:15:43,079+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"he_cloud_init_host_name" type "<class
'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode'>" value:
2020-10-16 12:15:43,079+0200 DEBUG var changed: host "localhost" var
"he_cloud_init_domain_name" type "<class
'ansible.parsing.yaml.objects.AnsibleUnicode'>" value:
""xyz.co.za <
http://xyz.co.za> ""
your host is named node01.xyz.co.za <
http://node01.xyz.co.za> and it resolves to,
then you are trying to create a VM named engine01.xyz.co.za
http://engine01.xyz.co.za> and you are trying to configure it with a static set
IPv4 address which is still
This is enough to explain all the subsequent networking issues.
Please try again using two distinct IP addresses for the node and the engine VM.
Thanks, Simone!
On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 8:35 AM <info(a)worldhostess.com
<mailto:info@worldhostess.com> > wrote:
File 1
2020-10-24 08:10:14,990+0200 ERROR otopi.plugins.gr_he_common.core.misc
misc._terminate:167 Hosted Engine deployment failed: please check the logs for the issue,
fix accordingly or re-deploy from scratch.
2020-10-24 08:10:14,990+0200 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human dialog.__logString:204
Yours Sincerely,
From: info(a)worldhostess.com <mailto:info@worldhostess.com>
<info(a)worldhostess.com <mailto:info@worldhostess.com> >
Sent: Saturday, 24 October 2020 14:03
To: 'Yedidyah Bar David' <didi(a)redhat.com <mailto:didi@redhat.com> >
Cc: 'Edward Berger' <edwberger(a)gmail.com <mailto:edwberger@gmail.com>
>; 'users' <users(a)ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org> >
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: 20+ Fresh Installs Failing in 20+ days [newbie &
Can anyone explain to me how to use the “screen -d -r” option
Start the deployment script:
# hosted-engine --deploy
To escape the script at any time, use the Ctrl+D keyboard combination to abort deployment.
In the event of session timeout or connection disruption, run screen -d -r to recover the
deployment session.
Yours Sincerely,
From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)redhat.com <mailto:didi@redhat.com> >
Sent: Wednesday, 21 October 2020 15:04
To: info(a)worldhostess.com <mailto:info@worldhostess.com>
Cc: Edward Berger <edwberger(a)gmail.com <mailto:edwberger@gmail.com> >; users
<users(a)ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org> >
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: 20+ Fresh Installs Failing in 20+ days [newbie &
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 4:19 AM <info(a)worldhostess.com
<mailto:info@worldhostess.com> > wrote:
Did you try to ssh to the engine VM?
ssh is disconnecting within 1 second to 30 seconds, impossible to perform
ssh to the host? Or to the engine vm?
If to the host, then you have some severe networking issues, I suggest to handle this
Command line install " hosted-engine --deploy" it gets to this point (see below)
and disconnect and thereafter it is disconnecting ssh and http:// FQDN:9090
"[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Check engine VM health]"
https "Certificate invalid"
after I run " /usr/sbin/ovirt-hosted-engine-cleanup" I am able to ssh
Yours Sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)redhat.com <mailto:didi@redhat.com> >
Sent: Tuesday, 20 October 2020 14:05
To: info(a)worldhostess.com <mailto:info@worldhostess.com>
Cc: Edward Berger <edwberger(a)gmail.com <mailto:edwberger@gmail.com> >; users
<users(a)ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org> >
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: 20+ Fresh Installs Failing in 20+ days [newbie &
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 6:00 PM <info(a)worldhostess.com
<mailto:info@worldhostess.com> > wrote:
I used Cockpit web interface to do the install and I crashed again. I think it did not do
the final part of the install. There are no other files such as "engine-side
Did you try to ssh to the engine VM?
Do you see it running on the host?
It keep disconnecting from the Cockpit
Due to env issues (communication etc.)? Or oVirt-specific ones (bugs)?
We do have an open bug about allowing to reconnect to cockpit in such cases, but it's
still NEW for several years now:
This is my problem for the last few weeks, it will not complete the install and I have no
idea why.
If this is your only problem, I suggest to try and work around it somehow:
Either by running the browser through which you connect to cockpit in some machine closer
(network-wise) to the host you install on (and connect to that machine from your laptop
using means that allow reconnection, some remote desktop or whatever), or using the
command line tool/guide, which you can/should run inside tmux (and thus easily reconnect
if needed).
Good luck and best regards,
Yours Sincerely,
-----Original Message-----
From: Yedidyah Bar David <didi(a)redhat.com <mailto:didi@redhat.com> >
Sent: Monday, 19 October 2020 14:58
To: info(a)worldhostess.com <mailto:info@worldhostess.com>
Cc: Edward Berger <edwberger(a)gmail.com <mailto:edwberger@gmail.com> >; users
<users(a)ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org> >
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: 20+ Fresh Installs Failing in 20+ days
[newbie & frustrated]
On Fri, Oct 16, 2020 at 4:44 PM <info(a)worldhostess.com
<mailto:info@worldhostess.com> > wrote:
> Another zip file from fresh Centos & Ovirt install
> The following directories and files are included 1. openvswitch 2.
> ovirt-hosted-engine-ha 3. ovirt-hosted-engine-setup 4. ovirt-imageio
> 5. vdsm 6. firewalld
> ew
> ?usp=sharing
It's still the same problem ("Check engine VM health" failed) and the zip
still does not include engine-side logs (either from the engine vm itself or from subdirs
of /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup). Please check/share these.
Also, the files' timestamps are not kept, so 'ls -ltr' does not show them in
the correct order. Is there a problem with simply using 'tar' as I suggested?
Thanks and best regards,
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