On 7/1/2021 8:06 AM, Nir Soffer wrote:
But note that oVirt uses the advanced virtualization stream,
libvirt 7.0.0 and qemu-kvm 5.2.0:
Looking in Rocky packages, this is not available yet:
To replace Centos as the production OS for oVirt, the community must also
rebuild advanced virtualization.
You can try to use Rocky and pull in the advanced-virtualization repo from
Centos as a temporary solution.
Ugh. Thanks for letting me know. That's a *BIG* fly in the ointment
right there. I noticed that Alma doesn't do it either. In fact, I don't
even see it in the Oracle Linux repository even though it must be there
somewhere because I know they have their own 'RHEV' clone.
I would prefer to stay away from CentOS Stream for the virtualization
platform. The RHEL product itself would be a perfect solution, but
it's rather costly if just using it for a virtualization host OS, and
there are surprisingly no education discounts. I have to see if Rocky
will eventually provide it, or see if I can get internal funding for RHEL.