I'm trying to get a user's list of permissions, i.e., list all
permissions a user have on VMs and VmPools.
In SDK3 that was easy as I could run (being 'u' a User object):
for perm in u.permissions.list():
vm = perm.get_vm()
vmpool = perm.get_vmpool()
if vm or vmpool:
print "User has some permissions!"
In SDK4 I cannot reproduce the same logic. u.permissions returns an
empty list ([]).
What I have so far is something like this:
for u in users_serv.list():
if u.user_name == 'admin@internal':
vms_service = sys_serv.vms_service()
for vm in vms_service.list():
vms = vms_service.vm_service(id=vm.id)
ps = vms.permissions_service()
for perm in ps.list():
perm_service = ps.permission_service(id=perm.id)
getperm = perm_service.get()
if getperm.user.user_name == u.user_name:
print "Permission for %s" % (u.user_name)
if getperm.vm:
print "VM: %s" % (getperm.vm.id)
if getperm.vm_pool:
print "VmPool: %s" % (getperm.vm_pool.id)
However, this seems a bit overkill. We have nearly 850 VMs and for a
single user this takes about 25 minutes to run. Additionally, it doesn't
seem to return any permission, although I know this user has some
permissions over 2 VMs (not sure where is it messed up).
I also tried using the system_service.permissions_service() but it seems
to return only the global permissions.
Is there an easier way to do this?