good news and bad news and more good news on my OVA import front. Devs are especially
encouraged to read to the end :)
Initial good news is, I managed to successfully upgrade ONE of my "node"s in my
4.3 cluster to 4.4.1
The bad news is:
doing the exact same thing as before; copying the .OVA file to /root on a node, and
attempting an import, doesnt work.
and it fails even harder this time.
It doesnt just pretend to load it and die at 99%.
It fails to allow me to load it at all, with no visible errors?
on the native 4.3 node, I do (import OVA)
I put in the path as "/root"
I press the load button, and it shows me the OVA file in there.
BUT. on the 4.4.1 node running in the 4.3 cluster.
I put in the path as "/root"
I press the load button...
and it shows me NO FILES.
perms on /root on both nodes, is
dr-xr-x--- root root
so its not a perms issue.
and its literally the same file and name.
I just scp'd the file from the 4.4.1 node, to the 4.3 node.
I was going to ask for suggestions, but then, one whacky thing I came up with myself. get
the dialog to recognize the file, for the 4.3 node.
So then it shows up in the first dialog.
But then CHANGE the selected node to the 4.4.1 node, before pressing okay??
It takes a bug to fight a bug??. lol.
but it started the import on the actual 4.4.1 node...and still failed.
But I figured out that the important file is NOT in the engine VM, but in the node that is
selected as involved in the import.
So in /var/log/vdsm/import/XXXXX, I found a few errors.
juggled things around...
Forced "preallocate" instead of "thin provision".
it worked? !
So, suggestion to devs to test more on the local import, rather than just the "import
domain" thing.
suggestion #2:
I think that in ovirt 4.3, default perms on /root were okay. but in 4.4 a non-root user is
used, so it fails to READ THE DIRECTORY.
This error should really be passed up to the GUI.