In my experience, having ovirt traffic on the same nic that gluster can
make your platafrom unstable. I was using it for large file storage and
gluster has so big traffic that ovirt got confused and started marking
hosts as unavailable because of hi latency.
I've opened an RFE over a year ago, but had no luck with the team to get
it done. In the RFE I was asking to have a way in the UI to decide which
nic to use for gluster other than the MGMT net that is the one ovirt
lets you use.
There's another way to do this and it's from outside ovirt. There you
have to unregister and re register the bricks using gluster console
commands. This way, when you register the bricks, you can specify the IP
address of the spare NIC and then the traffic will not interfere with
the mgmt.
There's a step that I don't recall much, but ovirt is going to need to
know that the bricks are no longer is the mgmt IP, maybe someone else in
the list can help with this. I can tell you that if you search the list
you'll see my posts about this and the replys of those who helped my
back then.