+1, better solution than mine (safer, simpler), thank you Alex. Do still
keep in mind the possible trouble with thin provisioning.
On 24/03/13 14:39, Alex Leonhardt wrote:
From experience, I would shutdown the ovirt engine before you do any
work related to networking. The VMs will keep running w/o the engine
available, you're simply unable to add/remove/failover VMs, etc. The
VDSM running on the host will be unable to get instructions to "kill"
any VMs as the engine is already "down" :) ...
hope it helps!
On 03/24/2013 10:04 AM, Lior Vernia wrote:
> Hello Jonathan,
> First of all let me apologize for not being more responsive, seems like
> you got the worse end of time difference.
> Now, in case the question is still relevant:
> 1. Rebooting the first switch won't cause any damage. The VMs will lose
> connectivity on the VLANs, but they should still be manageable through
> oVirt and run normally on their hosts.
> 2. Rebooting the second one could prove more troublesome. Firstly, as a
> preemptive measure I would advise that you not have any VMs running on
> your host marked as SPM at the moment of reboot, if possible - there's
> risk that VMs running on your SPM will be shut down violently when it
> loses connectivity (or the moment it regains connectivity). Also, if any
> of your VMs have thin provisioning defined and they exhaust their
> storage during downtime, they'll run into trouble; but as far as I know
> they should be okay if they're not running processes that can suddenly
> demand a lot more storage. That's as far as possible damage goes.
> Besides that, when the switch comes back up, some components (host, data
> domain) might appear as non-operational or down, and you might have to
> reactivate them manually from the webadmin console.
> Hope this helps.
> Yours, Lior Vernia.
> On 21/03/13 20:42, Jonathan Horne wrote:
>> greetings,
>> we are talking about possibly upgrading our cisco gear tonight, and this
>> will affect our ovirt environment.
>> what can i expect if i were to reboot first the switch that all VMguest
>> VLANs are going thru, ad then afterwards rebooting the switch that all
>> ovirtmgmt connections are in? how will the ovirt environment behave
>> with loss of network connectivity for a couple minutes?
>> the iscsi network is not going to be affected. any information or
>> stories of similar experiences would be appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> jonathan
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