I am testing oVirt 4.2, I am using nested KVM for that.
I am using two hypervisors Centos 7 updated and the hosted-Engine
deployment using the ovirt appliance.
For storage I am using iscsi and NFS4
Versions I am using :
I have a problem deploying the hosted-engine VM, when configuring the
deployment (hosted-engine --deploy), it asks for the engine's hostname then
the engine's IP address, I use static IP, in my lab I used ** as
IP for the VM engine, and I choose to add the it's hostname entry to the
hypervisors's /etc/hosts
But the deployment get stuck every time in the same place : *TASK [Wait for
the host to become non operational]*
After some time, it gave up and the deployment fails.
I don't know the reason for now, but I have seen this behavior in */etc/hosts
*of the hypervisor.
In the beginning of the deployment the entry *
engine01.example.local* is added, then sometime after that it's deleted,
then a new entry is added with this IP * engine01.wodel.wd* which
has nothing to do with the network I am using.
Here is the error I am seeing in the deployment log
2018-03-24 11:51:31,398+0100 INFO
ansible_utils._process_output:100 TASK [Wait
for the host to become non operational]
2018-03-24 12:02:07,284+0100 DEBUG
ansible_utils._process_output:94 {u'_ansible
_parsed': True, u'_ansible_no_log': False, u'changed': False,
150, u'invocation': {u'module_args': {u'pattern':
u'name=hyperv01.wodel.wd', u'fetch_nested': False,
[]}}, u'ansible_facts': {u'ovirt_hosts': []}}
2018-03-24 12:02:07,385+0100 ERROR
ansible_utils._process_output:98 fatal: [loc
alhost]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": {"ovirt_hosts": []},
"attempts": 150,
"changed": false}
2018-03-24 12:02:07,587+0100 DEBUG
ansible_utils._process_output:94 PLAY RECAP
[engine01.wodel.wd] : ok: 15 changed: 8 unreachable: 0 skipped: 4 failed: 0
2018-03-24 12:02:07,688+0100 DEBUG
ansible_utils._process_output:94 PLAY RECAP
[localhost] : ok: 41 changed: 14 unreachable: 0 skipped: 3 failed: 1
2018-03-24 12:02:07,789+0100 DEBUG
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:180
ansible-playbook rc: 2
2018-03-24 12:02:07,790+0100 DEBUG
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:187
ansible-playbook stdou
2018-03-24 12:02:07,791+0100 DEBUG
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:189 to
retry, use: --limi
t @/usr/share/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ansible/bootstrap_local_vm.retry
2018-03-24 12:02:07,791+0100 DEBUG
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:190
ansible-playbook stder
2018-03-24 12:02:07,792+0100 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:143
method exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/context.py", line 133, in
line 186, in _closeup
r = ah.run()
line 194, in run
raise RuntimeError(_('Failed executing ansible-playbook'))
RuntimeError: Failed executing ansible-playbook
2018-03-24 12:02:07,795+0100 ERROR otopi.context context._executeMethod:152
Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed exec
uting ansible-playbook
any idea????