Hi Everyone,
I recently installed oVirt 4.0 on two servers with an iSCSI
backstore, and I'm having two issues I'm having trouble tracking down.
First, the initial datastore that the hosted engine is running on won't
connect. It just says "Unattached" in the GUI, and I can't find an
error message anywhere. Not a huge deal, it just means I can't see the
hosted engine itself in the GUI.
More importantly: I can't migrate VMs. They fail with errors like
this in the vdsm.log of the destination host:
vmId=`59f235cc-3ab2-4dae-b460-62be850e3d5d`::Failed to start a migration
destination vm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/vdsm/virt/vm.py", line 733, in _startUnderlyingVm
File "/usr/share/vdsm/virt/vm.py", line 3113, in
self._incomingMigrationFinished.isSet(), usedTimeout)
File "/usr/share/vdsm/virt/vm.py", line 3196, in
raise MigrationError(e.get_error_message())
MigrationError: Domain not found: no domain with matching uuid
If I shut the VM down and start it on the host it works fine, it just
won't migrate. I notice I'm also seeing a lot (like every 7 seconds) of
this error:
JsonRpc (StompReactor)::ERROR::2017-02-14
21:57:33,984::betterAsyncore::113::vds.dispatcher::(recv) SSL error
during reading data: unexpected eof
Which I can't seem to diagnose. Any ideas?