I have problem with ovirt instalation.
Instalation hang on step "Wait for the host to be up"
I have vlan configuration and perhaps this is problem.
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts":
{"ovirt_hosts": [{"address": "hostxxxxx",
"affinity_labels": [], "auto_numa_status": "unknown",
"certificate": {"organization": "xxxxx",
"subject": "O=xxxx,CN=xxxxx"}, "cluster": {"href":
"id": "1874b3a6-a631-11ea-98bc-00163e7d7d57"}, "comment":
"", "cpu": {"speed": 0.0, "topology": {}},
"device_passthrough": {"enabled": false}, "devices": [],
"external_network_provider_configurations": [], "external_status":
"ok", "hardware_information": {"supported_rng_sources": []},
"hooks": [], "href":
"/ovirt-engine/api/hosts/3764c903-358a-4865-9cc8-2fa627800fef", "id":
"3764c903-358a-4865-9cc8-2fa627800fef", "katello_errata": [],
"kdump_status": "unknown", "ksm": {"enabled":
false}, "max_scheduling_memory": 0, "memory": 0, "name":
"hostxxxx", "network_attachments": [], "nics": [],
"numa_nodes": [], "numa_supported": false, "os":
{"custom_kernel_cmdline": ""}, "permission
s": [], "port": 54321, "power_management":
{"automatic_pm_enabled": true, "enabled": false,
"kdump_detection": true, "pm_proxies": []}, "protocol":
"stomp", "se_linux": {}, "spm": {"priority": 5,
"status": "none"}, "ssh": {"fingerprint":
"SHA256:67c4FdB+T7KAxxFRCjaiYRReB+n6Bv9EqZFh3J/d/Es", "port": 22},
"statistics": [], "status": "installing",
"storage_connection_extensions": [], "summary": {"total":
0}, "tags": [], "transparent_huge_pages": {"enabled":
false}, "type": "rhel", "unmanaged_networks": [],
"update_available": false, "vgpu_placement":
"consolidated"}]}, "attempts": 120, "changed": false}
Network connecting is work. I can login to
What's 6900? And what's hostxxxx - is the eventual FQDN you supplied
for the engine, meaning it's already up on the shared storage? Or is
it still the internal IP address?
"Up", here, is from the POV of the engine. There are many reasons why
a host might not be Up, one of which is indeed networking issues.
If you can connect to the engine machine, please check/share there:
If not, you might find the same files on the host, in:
Best regards,