@Arik the import worked are expected.
I tried to do the reverse - exporting a template to a node as an OVA template. But could
not get it working. Here is what I have tried:
- name: Export the template
auth: "{{ovirt_auth}}"
cluster: "{{source_cluster_name}}"
name: "{{source_template_name}}"
state: exported
export_domain: "hosted_storage"
timeout: 1800
poll_interval: 30
host: "{{export_node_name}}"
url: "ova:///tmp/{{source_template_name}}.ova"
storage_domain: "hosted_storage"
Upon execution of the above, nothing happens (the script completes instantly with no
error) and following is the ansible output:
TASK [Export the template]
ok: [localhost]
The OVA is not copied to the local disk of the 'export_node'.
Can you please suggest what I am doing wrong or come up with the right task? I could not
find any example for the 'exported' state of the ovirt_template.