Good Day!
I'm Hariharan and I'm working as System Administrator in Linux platform for RWTH
Uniklink - Germany. Currently I'm managing the Ovirt environment and I'm very new
to this domain. Currently I'm facing an issue with Ovirt self hosted engine
installation 4.4 in CentOS 8 server. I have an issue when mounting the glusterfs storage
to a target machine. Below is the exact issue what I face;
Error: "changed": false, "msg": "Error: the target storage domain
contains only 11.0GiB of available space while a minimum of 61.0GiB is required If you
wish to use the current target storage domain by extending it, make sure it contains
nothing before adding it.
Note: (gluster storage was installed and configured in Linux work station with adding
additional hard disk in one of the two gluster storage linux work station. I used
replicated volumes (replica 2) in creating gluster volumes)
Hardware detail:
device model: Dell R540
Capacity: 240 GB
I tried best possibilities to resolve this issue but still I'm facing the same issue.
Could you please help me in resolving this issue with your guidance or support.