Here is the explanation, I think:
root 12319 12313 15 16:59 pts/0 00:00:56 qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /dev/loop0
This is where the image is entering from the OVA source and gets written on the Gluster.
I consistently chose one of the computer cluster nodes, because they have the bigger CPUs
and it also happened to have the OVA file locally, so the network wouldn't have to
carry source and sink traffic...
But unless I use one of the nodes that actually have bricks in the Gluster, I get this
strange silent failure.
First thing I did notice is that during the import dialog, more details about the engines
are actually visible (disk and network details), before I actually launch the import,
although Cockpit doesn't seem to care.
I then theorized, that the compute nodes won't actually mount the Gluster file system
on /rhev, so the target would be missing... but they do in fact...
I'll not go into further details but take away this lesson:
"If you want to import an OVA files to a Gluster farm, you must use a node which is
part of the gluster to do the import on."
Ah, yes, the import succeeded and oVirt immediately chose the nicely bigger Xeon-D node to
run the VM...
Now I just need to find out how to twiddle OVA export files from oVirt to make them
digestable for VMware and VirtualBox...