I am looking for a way to get my hosted-engine running on el7 so I can
upgrade to oVirt 4.0. Currently my hosts already run el7, but my
hosted-engine is still el6.
I read
https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/hosted-engine-host-OS-upgrade/ but
this is only about the hosts.
I read
https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/how-to/hosted-engine/, but it
only mentions upgrade of the hosted-engine software, not the OS.
I understood I can do a fresh hosted-engine install, and then import my
storage domain to the new hosted engine, but:
- Do I need to restore my hosted engine database? ( like described here:
- Can I directly install hosted-engine 4.0 and then import the storage
domain? Or should I install same hosted-engine version?
- Do I first need another master storage domain or can I directly import my
old master storage domain?
- When importing the storage domain what is the risk it fails ( I have
backups, but it would cost a day to restore all )
- How long would import take? few minutes or hours? ( I want to keep down
time as low as possible ).
Another option would be upgrade the OS ( with redhat-upgrade-tool ) or is
this a path for disaster?
I hope someone can tell me how I can smoothly upgrade my hosted-engine up
to el7 and run oVirt 4.