On Sun, Mar 24, 2013 at 9:05 AM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:
Hi Gianluca,
You can set the VM to run on a specific host, when editing the VM and
choose the Host tab and Run On a specific host
Generally, you can configure your cluster to use three different types
of selections: None, Even Distributed and Power Saving.
This can be set at the Cluster Policy tab, when you edit the cluster.
By default the cluster is using None policy, which actually runs the
even distributed algorithm when you run a VM.
Yes, I know very well this.
My observation was about another thing:
the disk clone operation itself, that is one step of the "clone from
snapshot" activity; the process
/usr/bin/qemu-img convert -t none -f qcow2 ....
that starting from disk of VM1 creates the disk of VM2 (its clone)
I presumed that if host1 had in charge VM1, it would have been host1
in charge of making the disk clone.
Instead I observed that the disk clone operation was in charge of host2...
Hope it is more clear now....
It has nothing to do with which host then will run the clone