I currently have a self-hosted engine that was restored from a backup of an engine that
was originally in a hyperconverged state.
See https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/APQ3XBU...).
This was also an upgrade from ovirt 4.4 to ovirt 4.5.
There were 4 hosts in this cluster. Unfortunately, 2 of them are completely in an
"Unassigned" state right now, and I don't know why. The VMs on those hosts
are working fine, but I have no way to move the VMs or manage them.
More to the point of this email:
I'm trying to re-deploy onto a 3rd host. I did a fresh install of Rocky Linux 8, and
followed the instructions
at https://ovirt.org/download/ and
at https://ovirt.org/download/install_on_rhel.html, including the part there that is
specific to Rocky.
After installing the centos-release-ovirt45 package, I then logged into the oVirt engine
web UI, and went to Compute -> Hosts -> New, and have tried (and failed) many times
to install / deploy to this new host.
The last error in the host deploy log is the following:
2022-09-18 21:29:39 EDT - { "uuid" :
"counter" : 404,
"stdout" : "fatal: [
cha2-storage.mgt.example.com]: FAILED! =>
{\"msg\": \"The conditional check 'cluster_switch ==
\\\"ovs\\\" or (ovn_central is defined and ovn_central | ipaddr)' failed.
The error was: The ipaddr filter requires python's netaddr be installed on the ansible
controller\\n\\nThe error appears to be in
line 3, column 5, but may\\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax
problem.\\n\\nThe offending line appears to be:\\n\\n- block:\\n - name: Install ovs\\n
^ here\\n\"}",
"start_line" : 405,
"end_line" : 406,
"runner_ident" : "e2cbd38d-64fa-4ecd-82c6-114420ea14a4",
"event" : "runner_on_failed",
"pid" : 65899,
"created" : "2022-09-19T01:29:38.983937",
"parent_uuid" : "02113221-f1b3-920f-8bd4-00000000003d",
"event_data" : {
"playbook" : "ovirt-host-deploy.yml",
"playbook_uuid" : "73a6e8f1-3836-49e1-82fd-5367b0bf4e90",
"play" : "all",
"play_uuid" : "02113221-f1b3-920f-8bd4-000000000006",
"play_pattern" : "all",
"task" : "Install ovs",
"task_uuid" : "02113221-f1b3-920f-8bd4-00000000003d",
"task_action" : "package",
"task_args" : "",
"task_path" :
"role" : "ovirt-provider-ovn-driver",
"host" : "cha2-storage.mgt.example.com",
"remote_addr" : "cha2-storage.mgt.example.com",
"res" : {
"msg" : "The conditional check 'cluster_switch ==
\"ovs\" or (ovn_central is defined and ovn_central | ipaddr)' failed. The
error was: The ipaddr filter requires python's netaddr be installed on the ansible
controller\n\nThe error appears to be in
line 3, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n- block:\n - name: Install ovs\n ^
"_ansible_no_log" : false
"start" : "2022-09-19T01:29:38.919334",
"end" : "2022-09-19T01:29:38.983680",
"duration" : 0.064346,
"ignore_errors" : null,
"event_loop" : null,
"uuid" : "94b93e6a-5410-4d26-b058-d7d1db0a151e"
On the engine, I have verified that netaddr is installed. And just for kicks, I've
installed as many different versions as I can find:
[root@ovirt-engine1 host-deploy]# rpm -qa | grep
The engine is based on CentOS Stream 8 (when I moved the engine out of the hyperconverged
environment, my goal was to keep things as close to the original environment as possible)
[root@ovirt-engine1 host-deploy]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Stream release 8
The engine is fully up-to-date:
[root@ovirt-engine1 host-deploy]# uname -a
ovirt-engine1.mgt.barredowlweb.com 4.18.0-408.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 18 17:42:52
UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
And the engine has the following repos:
[root@ovirt-engine1 host-deploy]# yum repolistrepo id
repo name
CentOS Stream 8 - AppStream
CentOS Stream 8 - BaseOS
CentOS-8-stream - Ceph Pacific
CentOS-8-stream - Gluster 10
CentOS-8 - NFV OpenvSwitch
CentOS-OpsTools - collectd
CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5
CentOS Stream 8 - Extras
CentOS Stream 8 - Extras common packages
CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5 - OpenStack Yoga Repository
oVirt upstream for CentOS Stream 8 - oVirt 4.5
CentOS Stream 8 - PowerTools
Why does deploying to this new Rocky host keep failing?
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.