I am trying to configure a dedicated migration network and am unable to get it to work.
It is failing with a no route to host error in the cockpit logs, specifically a libvirtd
error virNetSocketNewConnectTCP:591 : unable to connect to server at
'': No route to host. Trying to migrate from Host 1 to Host 2. is the ip address on the source host for the migration.
If I try to migrate in the other direction I get the same error with tthat hosts migration
network ip.
My migration network is setup on a different VLAN than my ovirtmgmt network.
Here is my configuration:
- 2 Hosts
- Host 1
- nic 1 - ovirtmgmt - - VLAN 1
- nic 2 - migration network - VLAN 25
- Host 2
- nic 1 - ovirtmgmnt - - VLAN 1
- nic 2 - migration network - - VLAN 25
Migration network is setup as follows:
- Assign - Yes
- Required - Yes
- VM Network - No (tried it with VM Nework = Yes with same results)
- Migration Network - Yes
I think I've got something fundamentally wrong with my host networking but I can't
figure it out.
Appreciate the help.