I expect VM's to be able to write at 200MB or 500MB to the hdd/ssd when using an NFS
mount or gluster from inside a VM.
But heck, it's not even 10% (20MB or 50MB), it's closer to 2.5%-5% of the speed of
the drives.
I expect windows services to not timeout due to slow hard drives while booting.
I expect a windows vm to boot in less than 6 minutes.
I expect to open chrome in less than 1 minute.
:) I was hoping for like, at least half speed or quarter speed. I'd be ok with 50MBps
or 100MBps. Writing.
I think what I was expecting was out of the box it would perform. But there appears to be
something we've done wrong, or a tweak we aren't doing.
But we can't even run 1 windows vm at something anyone would remotely call
"performs very well".
Please guide me. Do you have any commands you want me to run? Or tests to do? Do you want
a print out or a specific configuration you would like to try?