I'm trying to follow the instructions here:
I've shut down my original engine and completed engine-backup.
I've completed hosted-engine --deploy to the point where my new engine
VM is up and running, and I've installed the 3.4-stable version of
engine-install on it.
Now I want to restore the backup on my new engine.
However, at this point the instructions/how-to suddenly introduces a new
host name "didi-lap" which was not mentioned previously:
engine-backup --mode=restore --file=backup1 --log=backup1-restore.log
--change-db-credentials --db-host=didi-lap --db-user=engine --db-password --db-name=engine
The only entities introduced in this How-To are:
ovirttest.home.local The DNS CNAME record of the Engine (before and after migration)
my-engine.home.local The underlying hostname of the original engine
didi-box1.home.local The new machine which will run self-hosted engine
I am not sure what (if anything) I should supply for db-host.
In my original setup, my engine had the db locally (I presume - whatever
the default was).
In my new setup, my engine will have the same name as it did in the old
setup (it was a VM previously, I took it down).
Do I even need to specify the db-host or change-db-credentials arguments?
Do these instructions require that the database was originally stored on
an external entity (didi-lap) and that the database still resides there?
Or does it backup/restore the database entirely?