On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 6:07 PM Dominik Holler <dholler(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 18:04:20 +0200
Dan Kenigsberg <danken(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Donna if a problem in configuration with packstack passing from
to Rocky or any feature itself that changed with Rocky.
> > I have both (Rocky server and Ocata server) and can compare them if it
can be of any help to have Rocky working with oVirt 4.2.7
> Would you share your provider credentials? OpenStack dropped support
> for keystone v2, and in ovirt-4.2.7 we've introduced support for
> keystone v3. It smells related to your issue.
Keystone v3 is only supported for oVirt's OpenStack Network Provider,
not for storage providers.
Please let us know, if you find any issues in using Neutron
integration as external Network provider for oVirt.
Please note, that for packstack's queens and rocky also the
OVN layer 2 should work. In my simple packstack environment, even
physnet worked.
Please note that the oVirt's deployment of the Neutron provider on
host does not work for queens and rocky. Best way to prevent that
the deployment is triggered is to set no default network provider of
the cluster.
I see that when configuring "OpenStack Image" provider the
section contain "API Version" field greyed and pre-filled with "v2.0",
so I
cannot change it
When trying to configure Openstack Neutron provider I can select "v2.0" or
I don't find clear reference on how to manually configure the network node
as a host.
Is it sufficient to enable ovirt 4.2 repos and install
vdsm-hook-openstacknet on it and then add it to the manager?