So upon changing my ovirt nodes (3Hyperconverged Gluster) as well as my engines hostname
without a hitch I had an issue with 1 node and somehow I did something that broke its
gluster and it wouldnt activate,
So the gluster service wont start and after trying to open the node from webgui to see
what its showing in its virtualization tab I was able to see that it allows me to run the
hyperconverged wizard using the existing config. Due to this i lost the engine because
well the 3rd node is just arbiter and node 2 complained about not having shared storage.
This node is the one which I built ovirt gluster from so i assumed it would rebuild its
gluster.. i accidentally clicked cleanup which got rid of my gluster brick mounts :)) then
I tried to halt it and rebuild using existing configuration. Here is my issue though, am I
able to rebuild my node?
This is a new lab system so I believe i have all my vms still on my external HDDs. If I
can restore this 1 node and have it rejoin the gluster then great, otherwise whats the
best route using the webgui (I am remote at the moment) to just wipe all 3 nodes and start
all over again and work it slowly? Is it simply deleting the partitions for the ovirt
glusters on each node enough to let me rebuild ?