Itamar Heim:
On 26/02/2013 15:13, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> I remember someone talking about an option of setting spice to operate
> over wan, in the sense that this way automatically it would disable
> effects in windows 7 VM, ecc...
> I don't remember if this is a VM parameter, hook or other...
> Or if this is an option available only in RHEV-M
iirc, it's a checkbox in the user portal to pass the wan option flag
to spice.
Does this checkbox mean there are some optimization for spice on wan?
How does the checkbox affect the remote video stream support? It seems
that spice protocol waste many cycles on mjpeg encoding and decoding for
video stream.
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舒明 Shu Ming
Open Virtualization Engineerning; CSTL, IBM Corp.
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