Once upon a time, Jason Keltz <jas(a)cse.yorku.ca> said:
>Otherwise, I'm running CentOS 7.1 + ovirt 3.5.1 on hosts
engine as well? I thought I'd read something about that not working
here... and I think I remember reading a blurb in the release notes
for 3.5.2 about fixing compatibility with CentOS 7.1.
No, my engine is on CentOS 6 (I installed it with oVirt 3.5.0 when
CentOS 7 engine support wasn't ready).
Yep .. It's for an idrac7... I need lanplus and a few other
as well (which are apprently integrated into 3.5.2).. It was
working perfectly with ovirt-node, but now that I've switched from
node to using my own CentOS 7.1 install, the problem was introdued.
Hmm, I also have idrac7, but I only need lanplus. It worked okay until
I upgraded the hosts to CentOS 7.1 this week. I suspect something
changed in the resource agents and either vdsm was sending something
slightly wrong that no longer works, or there's a new bug in the
resource agents (since vdsm didn't change).
Chris Adams <cma(a)cmadams.net>