I've been down this road. Postgres won't lie about its version for you. If you
want to do this, you have to patch the Ovirt installer[1]. I stopped trying to use my PG
cluster at some point - the relationship between the installer and the product combined
with the overly restrictive requirements baked into the installer[2]) makes doing so an
ongoing hassle. So I treat Ovirt's PG as an black box; disappointing, considering that
we are a very heavy PG shop with a lot of expertise and automation I can't use with
If nothing has changed (my notes are from a few versions ago), everything you need to
correct is in
Aside from the version, you'll also have to make the knobs for vacuuming match those
of your current installation, and I think there was another configurable for something
else I'm not remembering right now.
Be aware that doing so is accepting an ongoing commitment to monkeying with the installer
a lot. At one time I thought doing so was the right tradeoff, but it turns out I was
[1] Or you could rebuild PG with a fake version. That option was unavailable here.
[2] Not criticizing, just stating a technical fact. How folks apportion their QA resources
is their business.
On May 2, 2018, at 12:49 PM, ~Stack~ <i.am.stack(a)gmail.com>
Exploring hosting my engine and ovirt_engine_history db's on my
dedicated PostgreSQL server.
This is a 9.5 install on a beefy box from the
postgresql.org yum repos
that I'm using for other SQL needs too. 9.5.12 to be exact. I set up the
database just as the documentation says and I'm doing a fresh install of
my engine-setup.
During the install, right after I give it the details for the remote I
get this error:
[ ERROR ] Please set:
server_version = 9.5.9
in postgresql.conf on 'None'. Its location is usually
/var/lib/pgsql/data , or somewhere under /etc/postgresql* .
Um. OK.
$ grep ^server_version postgresql.conf
server_version = 9.5.9
$ systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service
LOG: syntax error in file "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/postgresql.conf"
line 33, n...n ".9"
FATAL: configuration file "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/postgresql.conf"
contains errors
Well that didn't work. Let's try something else.
$ grep ^server_version postgresql.conf
server_version = 9.5.9
$ systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service
LOG: parameter "server_version" cannot be changed
FATAL: configuration file "/var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/postgresql.conf"
contains errors
Whelp. That didn't work either. I can't seem to find anything in the
oVirt docs on setting this.
How am I supposed to do this?
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