On Thursday, June 09, 2016 12:28:41 PM Anantha Raghava wrote:
Hello Alexander,
You are right. The FQDN was the culprit. Once I entered the FQDN in
/etc/hosts file, the problem got resolved.
Thanks for your guidance.
By the way any document that explains what is --restore-permissions in
engine-backup process?
If you type engine-backup --help you will get a list and explanation of all
the possible options.
Affects only the custom dump format. Will not pass to pg_restore '--no-owner --
no-privileges'. Might not work as expected with the --*db-user options.
Is what the --help says, not sure what that means though.
> Hi,
> I will try both options tomorrow & revert back here.
> Regards,
> Anantha Raghava
> On Jun 8, 2016 10:04 PM, "Alexander Wels" <awels(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:awels@redhat.com>> wrote:
> On Wednesday, June 08, 2016 08:49:16 PM Anantha Raghava wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was able to migrate the oVirt Engine from one host to another
> using
> > engine-backup utility. On the new host, the data is loaded
> properly but
> > the Administration Portal is terribly slow.
> >
> > It take about 2 to 3 minutes to allow me to enter user name &
> password.
> > Once logged in, it takes hell a lot of time to show up the data.
> Click
> > on a tab, we need to wait for a good amount of time to see the
> actual
> > data. Even the refresh is taking time to execute although it is
> set to 5
> > Seconds.
> >
> > But if I enable old server and connect, every thing works quickly.
> >
> > Note:
> >
> > 1. We do not have DNS in our environment.
> > 2. Engine name & even the IP is retained the same.
> > 3. Before migration, we stopped ovirt-engine on old server, took the
> > backup, shutdown & disconnected the old server.
> > 4. We installed the ovirt-engine on new server, run engine
> setup, noted
> > down the DB password, did engine-cleanup, restored the data using
> > engine-backup utility and executed engine-setup again. It did
> recognize
> > restored data and only httpd configuration was sought and we
> selected
> > the defaults.
> It is highly likely 1 of 2 things:
> 1. The entropy mentioned by Brett, however that is mostly
> applicable on hosted
> engine as VMs don't usually have good entropy.
> 2. The engine cannot resolve itself (which looking at your
> description is the
> likely culprit). Since you don't have DNS, you need to add the fqdn to
> /etc/hosts so it can resolve itself.
> > Result is terribly slow Web Console.
> >
> > First, we attempted to setup ovirt-reports and later removed it
> thinking
> > that may be slowing down the engine server. Yet the same result.
> >
> > Commands used to backup from old server: "engine-backup
> --mode=backup
> > --file=<filename> --log=<log file name> --provision-db"
> > Command used to restore on new server: "engine-backup --mode=restore
> > --file=<backup-file-name> --log=<log-file-name>
> --change-db-credentials
> > --db-host=localhost --db-user=engine --db-name=engine
> > --db-password=<password noted down in step 4>
> --no-restore-permissions"
> > The command executed without any errors, resulting in a terribly
> slow
> > web console.
> >
> > Note: Without --restore-permissions, the restore fails. Did not
> > understand what to give as restore permissions. Hence used
> > --no-restore-permissions.
> >
> > *Hardware configuration:*
> > *
> > **Old Server:* i3 Processor, 4 GB Memory, 1 Gbps NIC
> > *New Server :* Lenovo x3250 M5 Server with Intel Xeon Processor,
> 16 GB
> > RAM, 2 X 1 Gbps NIC.
> >
> > Just unable to understand why it is terribly slow.