Having an issue with a completely standalone system (no actual network
Fresh out of the box installation.
The issue I'm running into is actually well described here;
I've read through the admin guide several times and I'm struggling to find
any information detailing exactly how ovirtmangment network exists on my
My configuration is process was as follows:
Centos 7 System has two physical interfaces
we'll call them en1 en2 for simplicities sake.
en1 = resolves to in host file as
en2 = bridged to ovirtmgmt
with my fresh install of ovirt-engine, I added my local machine as host
node and it installed the packages and shows up, but fails to down state
after about 10 - 15 seconds with
Host moved to Non-Operational state due to interfaces which are down are
needed by required networks in your cluster.
I then tried binding the ovirtmgmt network to the other interface so it
didn't ride on the same NIC that resolves the FQDN of the box.
So I'm currently at a loss of what to try next, any help would be greatly