I have a brand new Ovirt 4.5 cluster on centos 8 and brand new hardware.
I have a set of VM's, some of whom I have been able to connect to in the
past, others that I have never been able to connect to other than with the
SPICE console ui.
Right now, I am unable to connect from outside my cluster to any of the
VPN's other than through the SPICE console.
Host IP: Physical Address
Example VM IP: with vLAN tag
* I can connect between vm's on the same subnet on the same VM.
When logged into I can ping
Doesn't work:
* I cannot connect from VM's to the host.
* I cannot connect from the host to VM's
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From <<internet gateway>> icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
* I cannot connect from the VM's to the internet gateway
* I cannot connect to the VM's from other systems on the physical network
"Destination Host Unreachable"
To me it looks like the virtual bridge is misconfigured, but I can't figure
out how to reconfigure it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
David Johnson
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