On 09/14/2015 06:32 AM, Florian Crouzat wrote:
I'm trying to achieve the equivalent of libvirtd "<blockio
logical_block_size='4096' physical_block_size='4096'/>" with
oVirt and
If you want only the libvirt xml, you can inject it using a vdsm hook.
If you want ovirt to identify the sector size and set the proper xml,
I'd suggest to open a RFE.
I'm having a hard time. I created a 4K luhn on my SAN and it is
seen as
a 4K disk on the host, but within the VM, fdisk show 512 bytes for the
sector size. Is there a way/tips to delegate raw-data non-bootable
partition with 4K sector-size to oVirt virtual machines ?
I'm running 3.5 but I'm okay with a solution in 3.6.
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