My setup 1 engine Fedora 19 ovirt 3.4 managing 3 nodes Fedora 19 + ovirt
3.4 updated; those nodes acts also as gluster server for 2 storage domains,
each domain 3 bricks replicated ( so 3 bricks each).
I have one questions regarding the fields one have to complete when
defining a new storage domain and its importance.
First, field "*Use Host*" - you have to complete with one of the nodes. Of
course you can use any of the host in cluster, *but which is its
significance/importance*? * If you reboot that node, you suppose to have
any issue with the storage?*
The same question with field "*Path*" - gluster case - "*Path to gluster
volume to mount*" formatted as "HOST:VOLUME" , where host can be the same
as above mentioned field- "*Use Host*" or any af the gluster cluster
member; *which is its significance/importance?*
*Again If you reboot that node, you suppose to have any issue with the
My experience with rebooting these nodes*, *after moving VM's and putting
it in Maintenance was good*,* until yesterday, when after such reboot I've
got some corrupted VM images, and subsequently I had to restore them.
Error message follows :
Exit message: cannot read header
Input/output error."
Did I miss some step(s), beside moving VM's and puting node in maintenace,
before reboot one host node, servig also as gluster node?
Any hint, link would be appreciated!
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