On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 9:48 PM, Julián Tete <danteconrad14(a)gmail.com> wrote:
oVirt version = 3.6.5 on CentOS 7.2
I have Data Warehouse and Reports database
Method 1:
In the Manager machine:
engine-backup --mode=backup --file=/home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.bck
less /home/cnscadmin/backup.log
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: Start of engine-backup mode backup scope all file
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: OUTPUT: Backing up:
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: Generating pgpass
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: OUTPUT: Notifying engine
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('files', now(), 0,
'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('db', now(), 0,
'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('dwhdb', now(), 0,
'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('reportsdb', now(), 0,
'Started', 'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: Creating temp folder
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: OUTPUT: - Files
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: Backing up files to
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: OUTPUT: - Engine database 'engine'
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: Backing up database to
2016-05-23 11:43:30 3585: pg_cmd running: pg_dump -w -U engine -h localhost
-p 5432 engine -E UTF8 --disable-dollar-quoting --disable-triggers
2016-05-23 11:43:31 3585: OUTPUT: - DWH database 'ovirt_engine_history'
2016-05-23 11:43:31 3585: Backing up dwh database to
2016-05-23 11:43:31 3585: pg_cmd running: pg_dump -w -U ovirt_engine_history
-h localhost -p 5432 ovirt_engine_history -E UTF8 --disable-dollar-quoting
--disable-triggers --format=custom
2016-05-23 11:43:32 3585: OUTPUT: - Reports database 'ovirt_engine_reports'
2016-05-23 11:43:32 3585: Backing up reports database to
2016-05-23 11:43:32 3585: pg_cmd running: pg_dump -w -U ovirt_engine_reports
-h localhost -p 5432 ovirt_engine_reports -E UTF8 --disable-dollar-quoting
--disable-triggers --format=custom
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: Creating md5sum at
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: OUTPUT: Packing into file
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: Creating tarball /home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.bck
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: OUTPUT: Notifying engine
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('files', now(), 1,
'Finished', 'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('db', now(), 1,
'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('dwhdb', now(), 1,
'Finished', 'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c SELECT LogEngineBackupEvent('reportsdb', now(), 1,
'Finished', 'ovirt1.cnsc.net', '/home/cnscadmin/backup.log');
2016-05-23 11:43:33 3585: OUTPUT: Done.
In the Restore Machine:
yum -y install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
postgresql-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql.service
systemctl start postgresql.service
less /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
host engine engine md5
host ovirt_engine_reports ovirt_engine_reports md5
host ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history md5
host engine engine ::0/0 md5
host ovirt_engine_reports ovirt_engine_reports ::0/0
host ovirt_engine_history ovirt_engine_history ::0/0
less /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*' # what IP address(es) to listen on;
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=postgresql
firewall-cmd --reload
All of the above is not needed (but should be harmless) if you use
--provision* .
engine-backup --mode=restore --file=/home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.bck
--log=/home/cnscadmin/restore.log --provision-db --no-restore-permissions
For dwh and reports, please pass also: --provision-dwh-db --provision-reports-db
less /home/cnscadmin/restore.log
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Start of engine-backup mode restore scope all file
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: Preparing to restore:
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: - Unpacking file
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Opening tarball /home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.bck to
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Verifying md5
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Verifying version
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Reading config
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: Restoring:
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: - Files
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Restoring files
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: Reloading configuration
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: Provisioning PostgreSQL users/databases:
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: provisionDB: user engine host localhost port 5432
database engine secured False secured_host_validation False
2016-05-23 11:49:08 2970: OUTPUT: - user 'engine', database 'engine'
[ INFO ] Stage: Initializing
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment setup
Configuration files:
Log file:
Version: otopi-1.4.1 (otopi-1.4.1-1.el7.centos)
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment packages setup
[ INFO ] Stage: Programs detection
[ INFO ] Stage: Environment customization
[ INFO ] Stage: Setup validation
[ INFO ] Stage: Transaction setup
[ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
[ INFO ] Stage: Package installation
[ INFO ] Stage: Misc configuration
[ INFO ] Creating PostgreSQL 'engine' database
[ INFO ] Configuring PostgreSQL
[ INFO ] Stage: Transaction commit
[ INFO ] Stage: Closing up
[ INFO ] Stage: Clean up
Log file is located at
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination
[ INFO ] Execution of provisiondb completed successfully
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: OUTPUT: Restoring:
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: Generating pgpass
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: Verifying connection
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -c select 1
(1 row)
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h localhost -p
5432 engine -t -c show lc_messages
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: pg_cmd running: pg_dump -w -U engine -h localhost
-p 5432 engine -s
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U ovirt_engine_history -h
localhost -p 5432 ovirt_engine_history -c select 1
psql: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "ovirt_engine_history"
2016-05-23 11:49:12 2970: FATAL: Can't connect to database
'ovirt_engine_history'. Please see '/bin/engine-backup --help'.
Method 2:
In the Manager machine:
engine-backup --mode=backup --scope=all
--file=/home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.tar.bz2 --log=/home/cnscadmin/backup.log
In The Restore Machine
engine-backup --mode=restore --file=/home/cnscadmin/engine-3.6.tar.bz2
--log=/home/cnscadmin/restore.log --change-db-credentials
--db-host=192.168.x.y --db-name=engine --db-user=engine
Preparing to restore:
- Setting credentials for Engine database 'engine'
FATAL: Can't connect to database 'engine'. Please see
Did you change the password in the db too?
less /home/cnscadmin/restore.log :
2016-05-23 13:47:36 2973: Start of engine-backup mode restore scope all file
2016-05-23 13:47:36 2973: OUTPUT: Preparing to restore:
2016-05-23 13:47:36 2973: OUTPUT: - Setting credentials for Engine database
2016-05-23 13:47:36 2973: pg_cmd running: psql -w -U engine -h 192.168.x.y
-p 5432 engine -c select 1
Basically, that's the command you should run to debug. Once you make it
work, pass the password you use as --db-password.
Of course, --provision-* is easier.
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user
password retrieved from file "/tmp/engine-backup.dWpTSHqQxq/.pgpass"
2016-05-23 13:47:36 2973: FATAL: Can't connect to database 'engine'. Please
see '/bin/engine-backup --help'.
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