----- Original Message -----
From: "wodel youchi" <wodel.youchi(a)gmail.com>
To: "users" <Users(a)ovirt.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 7, 2015 3:17:50 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] [Centos7.1] [Ovirt 3.5.2] hosted engine, is there a way to resume
I tried to deploy ovirt hosted engine 3.5.2 on a Centos7.1
I messed up things with datacenter naming, I used something else than
Default, and the result was that, after the DB welcome message between the
engine and the hypervisor, there was in error (I didn't catch it I was using
screen command over ssh without log :-( ),
You should be able to find it in the log, in /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup.
and the last steps were not done,
so I ended up
an engine up but without the hypervisor being registred.
Is there a way to force the registration again, or will I have to deploy from
the beginning and reinstall the VM engine?
This depends on your exact status, including whether there is anything in the
engine db and in the hosted-engine metadata file.
What's the output of 'hosted-engine --vm-status' on the host?
You can try to just run again hosted-engine --deploy, replying 'no' to 'is
this an
additional host deploy?'.
If the engine db is "dirty", you can run engine-cleanup/engine-setup again
the engine vm, prior to trying deploy again.
There is currently no simple way to clean up the metadata file, see [1] for that.