On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 06:40:43PM +1000, Andrew Lau wrote:
I recently upgraded to the oVirt Nightly repo because I needed some patches
not yet in 3.3, but it appears to have broken the live migration.
Both of the nodes have the storage (glusterfs replicate), oVirt gives the
Migration failed due to Error: Fatal error during migration (VM: gl01,
Source: HV02, Destination: HV01).
It seems to successfully transfer but then the receiving vdsm node gives
the following error:
vmId=`3867341c-b465-4285-9c35-0c5972527808`::The vm start process failed
if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virDomainLookupByUUIDString()
failed', conn=self)
I would need to see much more logs from source and destination nodes in
order to understand why the VM failed to reach to destination. Would you
provide them?