The "bootstrap_local_vm.yml" playbook fails at the end, during the task
"Wait for the host to be up"
Looking through the ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-bootstrap_local_vm log, I found the reason
is supposed to be:
"status": "non_operational",
"status_detail": "network_unreachable",
But that's it. I can't find anything wrong with any networks, neither on the host
or in the partly-prepared HE VM.
Is there some verbose information I can dump to find out why it thinks the network is
I can't find any logs indicating any issues until this step.
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My coworker spotted that openvswitch picked up the external address/hostname of the host
(despite we choosing internal hostnames/ips everywhere). We restarted from a clean slate,
removing all networks except for the one we wished to deploy on, and now the deploy works
Though, I had wished the logs would have been a bit more verbose on an error like this.
Best regards, Mikael