I've started to use awx shortly and I'd like to have an inventory based
on their RHEV/oVirt-Plugin. Basically that works fine, however on
machines that have multiple network interfaces or internal nets (like
Docker) the first address in the IP list of the vm (which is used as
ansible_host by AWX) is not an address that is reachable from the
machine's outside and so those host entries are failing in my jobs.
I found an issue at AWX, being like we won't fix first:
It also seems that there where issues related to this on oVirt:
First this with a request for setting a primary IP:
And this one mentioning a way to ignore interfaces on ovirt-guest-agent,
however it does no longer work due to the use of qemu-guest-agent:
Do you have any ideas how to circumvent this or is there some
improvement alread in planning?
Best regards