I've found some additional info.
Engine what for host to be up.
VDSM log on host show "waiting for storage pool to go up", but
"hosted-engine --deploy" (and web wizard) don't ask for storage domain.
2018-10-19 13:36:52,206+0200 INFO (vmrecovery) [vds] recovery: waiting
for storage pool to go up (clientIF:707)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,529+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [api.host] START
getStats() from=::ffff:,44704 (api:46)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,532+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] START
repoStats(domains=()) from=::ffff:,44704,
task_id=13a3ce58-4226-4a0d-91e8-8742ffe40222 (api:46)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,533+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] FINISH
repoStats return={} from=::ffff:,44704,
task_id=13a3ce58-4226-4a0d-91e8-8742ffe40222 (api:52)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,534+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] START
multipath_health() from=::ffff:,44704,
task_id=fc1f5246-d6c2-41e5-bedc-5f9a7f27e9c5 (api:46)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,535+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [vdsm.api] FINISH
multipath_health return={} from=::ffff:,44704,
task_id=fc1f5246-d6c2-41e5-bedc-5f9a7f27e9c5 (api:52)
2018-10-19 13:36:52,561+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/7) [api.host] FINISH
getStats return={'status': {'message': 'Done', 'code': 0},
{'cpuStatistics': {'11': {'cpuUser': '0.13',
'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys':
'0.20', 'cpuIdle': '99.67'}, '10': {'cpuUser':
'0.73', 'nodeIndex': 0,
'cpuSys': '0.20', 'cpuIdle': '99.07'}, '1':
{'cpuUser': '1.45',
'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys': '0.86', 'cpuIdle':
'97.69'}, '0': {'cpuUser':
'2.44', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.33',
'cpuIdle': '97.23'}, '3':
{'cpuUser': '1.25', 'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys':
'0.53', 'cpuIdle':
'98.22'}, '2': {'cpuUser': '1.58', 'nodeIndex': 0,
'cpuSys': '0.46',
'cpuIdle': '97.96'}, '5': {'cpuUser': '0.13',
'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys':
'0.07', 'cpuIdle': '99.80'}, '4': {'cpuUser':
'0.40', 'nodeIndex': 0,
'cpuSys': '0.13', 'cpuIdle': '99.47'}, '7':
{'cpuUser': '0.07',
'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys': '0.13', 'cpuIdle':
'99.80'}, '6': {'cpuUser':
'1.19', 'nodeIndex': 0, 'cpuSys': '0.33',
'cpuIdle': '98.48'}, '9':
{'cpuUser': '0.40', 'nodeIndex': 1, 'cpuSys':
'0.20', 'cpuIdle':
'99.40'}, '8': {'cpuUser': '0.86', 'nodeIndex': 0,
'cpuSys': '0.33',
'cpuIdle': '98.81'}}, 'numaNodeMemFree': {'1':
{'memPercent': 30,
'memFree': '14483'}, '0': {'memPercent': 35,
'memFree': '13445'}},
'memShared': 446, 'thpState': 'always',
'ksmMergeAcrossNodes': True,
'vmCount': 1, 'memUsed': '19', 'storageDomains': {},
'incomingVmMigrations': 0, 'network': {'glusternet':
{'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'up', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name':
'tx': '10080290', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx':
'6669132', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'enp3s0f0':
{'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'up', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name':
'tx': '66909029', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx':
'17996942', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'bond0':
{'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'up', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name': 'bond0',
'87998708', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '46881018',
'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '3000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, ';vdsmdummy;':
{'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'down', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name':
'tx': '0', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '0',
'rxErrors': '0', 'speed':
'1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'ovirtmgmt':
{'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'up',
'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name': 'ovirtmgmt',
'tx': '56421549',
'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '25448254', 'rxErrors':
'0', 'speed': '1000',
'rxDropped': '0'}, 'lo': {'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'up', 'sampleTime':
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'lo', 'tx': '41578221',
'txDropped': '0',
'rx': '41578221', 'rxErrors': '0', 'speed':
'1000', 'rxDropped': '0'},
'ovs-system': {'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down',
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'ovs-system', 'tx': '0',
'txDropped': '0',
'rx': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'speed':
'1000', 'rxDropped': '0'},
'bond0.127': {'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'up',
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'bond0.127', 'tx': '10080290',
'0', 'rx': '6670098', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped':
'0'}, 'enp3s0f1': {'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'up', 'sampleTime':
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'enp3s0f1', 'tx': '14732876',
'0', 'rx': '12258325', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped':
'0'}, 'bond0.1': {'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'up', 'sampleTime':
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'bond0.1', 'tx': '56421549',
'0', 'rx': '25458727', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped':
'0'}, 'br-int': {'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'down', 'sampleTime':
1539949006.318315, 'name': 'br-int', 'tx': '0',
'txDropped': '0', 'rx':
'0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000',
'rxDropped': '2'}, 'enp65s0f0':
{'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'sampleTime':
'name': 'enp65s0f0', 'tx': '0', 'txDropped':
'0', 'rx': '0', 'rxErrors':
'0', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'},
'enp65s0f1': {'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'up', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name':
'tx': '6356803', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx':
'16625751', 'rxErrors': '0',
'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'vnet0':
{'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'up', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name': 'vnet0',
'33416551', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '9446000',
'rxErrors': '0', 'speed':
'1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'virbr0-nic':
{'txErrors': '0', 'state':
'down', 'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name':
'virbr0-nic', 'tx':
'0', 'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '0',
'rxErrors': '0', 'speed': '1000',
'rxDropped': '0'}, 'virbr0': {'txErrors': '0',
'state': 'up',
'sampleTime': 1539949006.318315, 'name': 'virbr0', 'tx':
'txDropped': '0', 'rx': '12733414', 'rxErrors':
'0', 'speed': '1000',
'rxDropped': '0'}}, 'txDropped': '0',
'anonHugePages': '5952',
'ksmPages': 100, 'elapsedTime': '44747.96', 'cpuLoad':
'0.15', 'cpuSys':
'0.31', 'diskStats': {'/var/log': {'free':
'7402'}, '/var/run/vdsm/':
{'free': '20003'}, '/tmp': {'free': '905'}},
'cpuUserVdsmd': '1.25',
'netConfigDirty': 'False', 'memCommitted': 16449,
'ksmState': False,
'vmMigrating': 0, 'ksmCpu': 0, 'memAvailable': 21827,
'1539899740', 'haStats': {'active': False, 'configured':
False, 'score':
0, 'localMaintenance': False, 'globalMaintenance': False},
'active', 'multipathHealth': {}, 'rxDropped': '2',
'outgoingVmMigrations': 0, 'swapTotal': 6143, 'swapFree': 6143,
'hugepages': defaultdict(<type 'dict'>, {1048576:
{'resv_hugepages': 0,
'free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_overcommit_hugepages': 0,
0, 'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0,
0}, 2048: {'resv_hugepages': 0, 'free_hugepages': 0,
'nr_overcommit_hugepages': 0, 'surplus_hugepages': 0,
'vm.free_hugepages': 0, 'nr_hugepages': 0,
0}}), 'dateTime': '2018-10-19T11:36:52 GMT', 'cpuUser':
'memFree': 32758, 'cpuIdle': '98.80', 'vmActive': 1,
'v2vJobs': {},
'cpuSysVdsmd': '0.13'}} from=::ffff:,44704 (api:52)
[root@ovirtn01 vdsm]# nodectl info
default: ovirt-node-ng-
index: 0
title: ovirt-node-ng-
args: "ro crashkernel=auto
rd.lvm.lv=onn_ovirtn01/swap rhgb quiet LANG=it_IT.UTF-8
root: /dev/onn_ovirtn01/ovirt-node-ng-
current_layer: ovirt-node-ng-
Il 18/10/2018 21:01, s.danzi(a)hawai.it ha scritto:
I'm setting up a new oVirt cluster.
I've 3 hosts with node. I setup gluster storace using node wizard. All
I can't set up hosted engine. I have two ERROR, but I can't find a
detailed log.
On node I have a VM running in local temp storage but not accessible.
[ INFO ] TASK [Wait for the host to be up]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Check host status]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"The host has been set in non_operational status, please check engine
logs, fix accordingly and re-deploy.\n"}
[ INFO ] TASK [Fetch logs from the engine VM]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Set destination directory path]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Create destination directory]
[ INFO ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [include_tasks]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Find the local appliance image]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Set local_vm_disk_path]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Give the vm time to flush dirty buffers]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Copy engine logs]
[ INFO ] TASK [include_tasks]
[ INFO ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Remove local vm dir]
[ INFO ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO ] TASK [Notify the user about a failure]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg":
"The system may not be provisioned according to the playbook results:
please check the logs for the issue, fix accordingly or re-deploy from
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