Newly installed node version 4.5.5
2 clusters and three nodes each
every time I try to replicate the geo in cluster 1 it gives an error
3 errors like this:
VDSM node4 command UpdateGlusterGeoRepKeysVDS failed: Internal JSON-RPC error:
{'cause': 'Attempting to call function: GlusterVolume.geoRepKeysUpdate bound
method of object <vdsm.gluster.apiwrapper.GlusterVolume at address
0x7f1524534f28>> with arguments: (\'root\',
\'command="/usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd" ssh-rsa AAAAB3N****
\'command="tar ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ssh-rsa AAAA****
\'command="/usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd" ssh-rsa AAAAB3****
\'command="tar ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ssh-rsa AAAA***
\'command="/usr/libexec/glusterfs/gsyncd" ssh-rsa AAAA*******
\'command="tar ${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND#* }" ssh-rsa AAAA****
]) error: bytes-like object required, not \'str\' }
I understand that when creating the rsa key, or sending it to the node.
How can I solve it?
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