I'm currently running oVirt 4.1 (with gluster 3.8.15) and as this is a cluster which
has been upgraded from (I believe) oVirt 3.5 originally, the storage volumes use old
"Optimize for Virt Store" configuration of not enabling sharding. I see now that
the oVirt 4.1 "optimize" configuration does enable sharding, but I am a bit wary
after seeing some horror stories from about a year ago about corruptions and data loss
caused by sharding in earlier gluster versions. Is the gluster associated with oVirt 4.1
now at a stable point that I can and should trust sharding?
I plan on doing some simple experimenting first, but I see a great benefit to balancing
distributed-replicated volumes and for healing times and I would like to take advantage of
these benefits now. Since the ovirt engine is now 'recommending' the use of
sharding for disk store volumes, this leads me to believe that it is trusted by the oVirt
crew. Does this seem accurate?
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