Hello everyone,
we have a self hosted engine environment (oVirt 4.4.5) that use a replica 2 + arbiter
glusterfs. Those servers are both glusterfs nodes and oVirt node of the hosted engine.
For an upgrade we followed this guide
The planned upgrade was adding 2 new servers (node3 and node4) that would replace the
existing ones. We added to oVirt cluster and the glusterfs pool the servers and moved the
engine in those new hosts, without touching the underlay glusterfs configuration. After
the step n° 18 ("Reboot the existing and replacement hosts.Wait until all hosts are
available before continuing.") of the guide we tried to start the engine but we got
error on the hosted_storage domain due to old path (the glusterfs mounted path was
"node1" and the backupvolfile was "node2").
For avoiding corruption we updated the database with the correct path and mount options
accordly with the new configuration edited in the file
/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/hosted-engine.conf (as written in the guide).
If we try to detach the node1 brick everything stop working causing storage error. We
noticed that reference of node1 is still present in the file
on both of new hosts (node3 and node4).
I'll be more than glad to attach any log file needed for understanding what's
going on, and thank you whoever will take time for helping me out :)