[Users] Some oVirt install notes from 11 Dec 11
by Matthew Farrellee
Following instructions at
http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Building_Ovirt_Engine on an F13 box.
Creating the database
- Missing pg_hba.conf changes to give access
- Use $HERE (attached patch)
- Don't use SERVERNAME and domain socket, makes pg_hba.conf more complex
- Use ovirt user, not postgres
I was not successful with the setup.
Take a look at cumin's cumin-database for a good way to manage install
and setup of a postgresql dependency.
The ability to -
0) yum install ovirt
1) ovirt-database install
2) systemctl start ovirt.service
3) firefox http://localhost/
on Fedora (or RHEL+EPEL) would be great.
13 years, 1 month
[Users] FOSDEM sessions
by Itamar Heim
fyi we got the following sessions in the FOSDEM[1] Open Source
Virtualization and Cloud devroom.
if you are planning to be in FOSDEM drop us an email if you would want
to meet, discuss, catch up, etc.
1. Virtualization Management the oVirt way - Introducing oVirt (Itamar
2. VDSM - The oVirt Node Management Agent (Federico Simoncelli)
3. Open Virtualization – Engine Core: Internals and Infrastructure
(Omer Frenkel)
apart of it there are also some kvm sessions in the hypervisor main track.
Hope to meet you there,
[1] http://fosdem.org/2012/
13 years, 1 month
[Users] oVirt Sync Meeting Agenda
by Robyn Bergeron
Greetings everyone,
A quick reminder that we're back to meetings this week. See you shortly!
oVirt Sync Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 15:00 UTC (10:00am US Eastern, 7:00am US
Invitees: board(a)ovirt.org, users(a)ovirt.org subscribers
IRC Meeting
* irc.oftc.net in #ovirt
Agenda topics include:
* First release progress updates
* Upcoming Event Planning
* Open Floor / Your topic here!
13 years, 1 month