[Users] GSoC 14 Idea Discussion - virt-sparsify integration
by Utkarsh Singh
I am Utkarsh, a 4th year undergrad from IIT Delhi and a GSoC-14
aspirant. I have been lately involved in an ongoing project Baadal
Cloud Computing Platform in my institute, which has got me interested
in oVirt for a potential GSoC project.
I was going through the virt-sparsify integration project idea. I have
gone through the architecture documentation on the oVirt website. As
far as I understand, the virt-sparsify integration needs to be done on
the VDSM daemon, and it's control is either going to be completely
independent of ovirt-engine (for example running it once every 24
hours), or it's something that is centrally controlled by the
ovirt-engine through XML/RPC calls. The details are not specified in
the project ideas page. I would like to ask -
1. What would be the proposed ideal implementation? (Central-Control
or Independent-Control)
2. Is virt-sparsify usage going to be automated or
administrator-triggered, or a combination of both?
There are some aspects of the idea, which I would like to discuss
before I start working on a proposal.
It's not necessary that an automated usage of virt-sparsify is limited
to any simple idea. Architecture documentation states that
ovirt-engine has features like Monitoring that would allow
administrators (and possibly users) to be aware of vm-guest
performance as well as vm-host performance. I am not very sure about
how this data is collected, Is it done through MoM, or Is this
directly done by VDSM, or is someone else doing this (for hosts). It
would be great if someone can explain that to me. This information
about vm-guest usage and vm-host health can help in determining how
virt-sparsify is to be used.
I am also not very clear about the Shared Storage component in the
architecture. Does oVirt make any assumptions about the Shared
Storage. For example, the performance difference between running
virt-sparsify on NFS as compared to running it (if possible) directly
on storage hardware. If the Storage solution is necessarily a NAS
instance, then virt-sparsify on NFS mount is the only option.
Right now, I am in the process of setting up oVirt on my system, and
getting more familiar with the architecture. Regarding my experience.
I am acquainted with both Java and Python. I have little experience
with JBoss, but I have worked on some other Web Application Servers
like web2py and Play Framework. My involvement in Baadal Platform has
got me acquainted with libvirt/QEMU, the details of which I have
mentioned below (if anyone is interested).
Please advise me about the things that I am missing about this
project. If there are some implementation details that I need to know,
kindly help me with that too.
Looking forward. Thanks.
IIT Delhi
Ongoing project details -
Article (Old)
My contribution - Deployment Scripting and Sandbox Environment Setup for Testing
10 years, 10 months
[Users] Installing all in one ovirt server
by Andy Michielsen
I just finnished installing a new ovirt all in one installation and I
noticed that I have 2 datacenters.
A default one and a local_datacenter. I don't understand why I have 2
datacenters but I suppose I can delete one.
10 years, 10 months
[Users] Problem with DWH installation
by Michael Wagenknecht
I cannot install the Ovirt DWH.
Here is the logfile:
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::ovirt-engine-dwh-setup::250::root:: starting
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::415::root:: found existing
pgpass file, fetching DB host value
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::415::root:: found existing
pgpass file, fetching DB port value
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::415::root:: found existing
pgpass file, fetching DB admin value
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::415::root:: found existing
pgpass file, fetching DB admin value
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::448::root:: getting DB
password for postgres
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::457::root:: found password for
username postgres
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::58::root:: getting vdc option
2013-11-05 15:00:12::DEBUG::common_utils::512::root:: Executing command
--> '['/usr/bin/engine-config', '-g', 'MinimalETLVersion',
'--cver=general', '-p',
2013-11-05 15:00:13::DEBUG::common_utils::551::root:: output =
2013-11-05 15:00:13::DEBUG::common_utils::552::root:: stderr = Files
/usr/share/ovirt-engine/conf/engine-config-install.properties does not exist
2013-11-05 15:00:13::DEBUG::common_utils::553::root:: retcode = 1
2013-11-05 15:00:13::ERROR::ovirt-engine-dwh-setup::294::root::
Exception caught!
2013-11-05 15:00:13::ERROR::ovirt-engine-dwh-setup::295::root::
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/ovirt-engine-dwh-setup", line 255, in main
minimalVersion = utils.getVDCOption("MinimalETLVersion")
File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine-dwh/common_utils.py", line 60, in
output, rc = execCmd(cmdList=cmd, failOnError=True, msg="Error:
failed fetching configuration field %s" % key)
File "/usr/share/ovirt-engine-dwh/common_utils.py", line 556, in execCmd
raise Exception(msg)
Exception: Error: failed fetching configuration field MinimalETLVersion
This are the installed packages:
Can you help me?
Best regards,
10 years, 10 months
[Users] Requesting you to add me into mailing group
by Ravi Krishna
I am graduate student of Computer science from Villanova University. I
would like to join the Ovirt community. Can you please add me into mailing
Thank you very much.
Ravikrishna Adepu
10 years, 10 months
[Users] Snapshots not listed for VM using 3.3.4
by Trey Dockendorf
I have two VMs in my cluster, one is CentOS 6.5 and one is CentOS
5.10. I have updated qemu on the ovirt nodes to use the RPMs from
# yum list installed | grep qemu
gpxe-roms-qemu.noarch 0.9.7-6.10.el6 @base
qemu-img.x86_64 2:
qemu-kvm.x86_64 2:
qemu-kvm-tools.x86_64 2:
I am able to perform a snapshot using the web UI, which succeeds, but
the snapshot is never listed in the "Snapshots" tab for either VM.
Running "virsh -r snapshot-list <domain>" for either VMs shows no snapshots.
Attached is vdsm.log and engine.log (output when creating snapshot of
EL6 VM) and vdsm2.log and engine2.log (output when creating snapshot
of EL5 VM).
Engine and nodes are updated to 3.3.4
10 years, 10 months
[Users] tags?
by Robert Story
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Can someone point me at a guide or explain to me the purpose of tags? I see
that I can assign them to VMs and users, but don't grasp the purpose.
Senior Software Engineer @ Parsons
Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=signature.asc
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
10 years, 10 months
[Users] [ovirt test day 3] DWH installation
by Sandro Bonazzola
For test day 3 I've tested DWH installation.
first step, getting info on how to install it:
gone to ovirt.org, followed "Start using oVirt now", there's no clue about DWH or reports there or a link to what's next basic oVirt engine setup.
gone to http://www.ovirt.org/File:OVirt-3.0-Installation_Guide-en-US.pdf no clue about DWH existence
gone to http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4_Test_Day no clue on how to test it
using search lead to the following pages but no instructions on how to setup it there:
Not opening a BZ because Yaniv told me he's aware of the issue and will update the wiki starting next week.
second step, installation with:
# yum install ovirt-engine-dwh
# engine-setup
Install Data Warehouse on this host (Yes, No) [Yes]: Yes
selected local database, automatic provisioning
just installed usage experience: I've installed DWH, now what?
connected to the web application, looking for DWH info: nothing on the webapp
followed guide link: leads to http://www.ovirt.org/Documentation
no clue there, so followed Guide to oVirt features which land to http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.0_Feature_Guide which is outdated
Not sure if open a BZ about above or if it will be fixed as part of the wiki update.
installed reports for seeing stats collected by DWH:
opened Bug 1073340 - traceback looking at system dashboard on a cleanly installed system
That said, once added an host and created a VM everything looks working fine on both Fedora 19 and CentOS
I wasn't able to test it on Gentoo because snmp4j failed to build due to unmappable ascii encoding (I'm using italian locale)
Not opened a BZ on gentoo bugzilla since it comes from an experimental overlay
Second test, install with remote DB:
needed to use ovirt-3.4-snapshot instead of ovirt-3.4.0-prerelease for having the fixes on remote DB setup
hit Bug 1067548 - [DWH-SETUP][TEXT] - misconfiguartion of remote DB setup
note that also report is affected by the same issue
other than that it seems to work fine on Fedora 19 and CentOS.
Sandro Bonazzola
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10 years, 10 months
[Users] oVirt 3.4 RC test day results
by Doron Fediuck
Hi all,
thanks for joining yesterday's RC test day!
The results are 48 new bugs, and critical ones should
be fixed for GA.
Feel free to send reports on your work yesterday to the users list.
Some additional stats-
Bugs, Top 5:
"bdagan(a)redhat.com" 2
"didi(a)redhat.com" 2
"hadong(a)redhat.com" 2
"lvernia(a)redhat.com" 2
"rhev-integ(a)redhat.com" 2
"pbenas(a)redhat.com" 3
"s.kieske(a)mittwald.de" 3
"istein(a)redhat.com" 4
"ydary(a)redhat.com" 6
Full list by reporter: http://goo.gl/tGzhDr
IRC top 10:
5 boberson
6 Mossel
8 rgolan
9 ydary
14 sahina
21 jvandewege
24 evilissimo
27 fabiand
35 sbonazzo
10 years, 10 months
[Users] [oVirt Test Day 3] devel env report
by Alexander Wels
I installed the engine development environment from scratch on:
Fedora 19:
Followed the instructions and in about 30 minutes I was compiling a new engine
which failed the first compile due to a java perm space error, I restarted the
compile and it finished successfully. The box only had 4G of memory available
so that might be the cause for the perm space issue. The instructions where up
to date and accurate on what to do.
Running the engine worked perfectly.
Centos 6.5:
Followed the instructions, and noticed the following omissions:
1. Issues with installing JBOSS as there is no repository available for
Centos. After manual downloaded I installed JBOSS manually and continued on.
2. Then I found that maven is not available in a yum repo mentioned in the
document anywhere so I have to manually install maven.
3. For the 3rd party packages, if you use java-devel it installs java 1.6, if
you want to use java 1.7 you need to install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel instead.
After fixing those 3 issues, I had the same perm space error for Centos. Again
that might be because the machine only has 4G of memory available. Rerunning
the compile completed successfully.
Had one minor hickup when running the engine, I used a live-cd to install
Centos, and it didn't come with /etc/mime.types. This caused an exception in
the engine log and none of the pages were styled. So I had to install mailcap
to get it. Opened [1] to track this issue.
I was unable to get a working Gentoo machine (After many many hours of
compiling the kernel wouldn't boot, must not have set the right flags or
something), so unable to test here.
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1073548
10 years, 10 months