Re: [ovirt-users] Manually preconfigured network interfaces/bridges on oVirt 3.6 HC HE
by Giuseppe Ragusa
On Mon, Nov 2, 2015, at 09:52, Simone Tiraboschi wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:48 AM, Giuseppe Ragusa
> <giuseppe.ragusa(a)> wrote:
>> Hi all,
I'm stuck with the following error during the final phase of ovirt-hosted-engine-
The host hosted_engine_1 is in non-operational state.
Please try to activate it via the engine webadmin UI.
If I login on the engine administration web UI I find the corresponding
message (inside NonOperational first host hosted_engine_1 Events tab):
Host hosted_engine_1 does not comply with the cluster Default networks,
the following networks are missing on host: 'ovirtmgmt'
I'm installing with an oVirt snapshot from October the 27th on a fully-
patched CentOS 7.1 host with a GlusterFS volume (3.7.5 hyperconverged,
replica 3, for the engine-vm) pre-created and network interfaces/bridges
(ovirtmgmt and other two bridges, called nfs and lan, on underlying
802.3ad bonds or plain interfaces) manually pre-configured in /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ifcfg-
* (using "classic" network service; NetworkManager disabled).
> If you manually created the network bridges, the match between them
> and the logical network should happen on name bases.
Hi Simone, many thanks fpr your help (again) :)
As you may note from the above comment, the name should actually match
(it's exactly ovirtmgmt) but it doesn't get recognized.
> If it doesn't for any reasons (please report if you find any
> evidence), you can manually bind logical network and network
> interfaces editing the host properties from the web-ui. At that point
> the host should become active in a few seconds.
Well, the most immediate evidence are the error messages already
reported (given that the bridge is actually present, with the right name
and actually working). Apart from that, I find the following past logs
(I don't know whether they are relevant or not):
>From /var/log/vdsm/connectivity.log:
2015-11-01 21:37:21,029:DEBUG:recent_client:True 2015-11-01
21:37:51,088:DEBUG:recent_client:False 2015-11-01
21:38:21,146:DEBUG:dropped vnet0:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) d
ropped vnet2:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) dropped
vnet1:(operstate:up spee
d: duplex:full) 2015-11-01 21:38:36,174:DEBUG:recent_client:True 2015-11-
01 21:39:06,233:DEBUG:recent_client:False 2015-11-01
21:48:22,383:DEBUG:recent_client:True, lan:(operstate:up speed:0 dupl
ex:unknown), bond0:(operstate:up speed:2000 duplex:full),
bond1:(operstate:up sp eed:2000 duplex:full), enp0s20f1:(operstate:up
speed:1000 duplex:full), ;vdsmdum my;:(operstate:down speed:0
duplex:unknown), ovirtmgmt:(operstate:up speed:0 dup lex:unknown),
lo:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), enp7s0f0:(operstate:up s
peed:1000 duplex:full), enp6s0f0:(operstate:up speed:100
duplex:full), enp6s0f1: (operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
nfs:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown) , bond2:(operstate:up
speed:3000 duplex:full), enp7s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), enp0s20f0:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f3:(opers tate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f2:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full) 2015-11-01
21:48:52,450:DEBUG:recent_client:False 2015-11-01
22:55:21,668:DEBUG:recent_client:True, lan:(operstate:up speed:0 dupl
ex:unknown), bond0:(operstate:up speed:2000 duplex:full),
bond1:(operstate:up sp eed:2000 duplex:full), enp0s20f1:(operstate:up
speed:1000 duplex:full), ;vdsmdum my;:(operstate:down speed:0
duplex:unknown), ovirtmgmt:(operstate:up speed:0 dup lex:unknown),
lo:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), enp7s0f0:(operstate:up s
peed:1000 duplex:full), enp6s0f0:(operstate:up speed:100
duplex:full), enp6s0f1: (operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
nfs:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), bond2:(operstate:up
speed:3000 duplex:full), enp7s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), enp0s20f0:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f3:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f2:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full) 2015-11-01
22:56:00,952:DEBUG:recent_client:False, lan:(operstate:up speed:0
duplex:unknown), bond0:(operstate:up speed:2000 duplex:full),
bond1:(operstate:up speed:2000 duplex:full), enp0s20f1:(operstate:up
speed:1000 duplex:full), ;vdsmdummy;:(operstate:down speed:0
duplex:unknown), ovirtmgmt:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown),
lo:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), enp7s0f0:(operstate:up
speed:1000 duplex:full), enp6s0f0:(operstate:up speed:100
duplex:full), enp6s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
nfs:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), bond2:(operstate:up
speed:3000 duplex:full), enp7s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), enp0s20f0:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f3:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f2:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full) 2015-11-01
22:58:16,215:DEBUG:new vnet0:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) new
vnet2:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) new vnet1:(operstate:up
speed:0 duplex:full) 2015-11-02 00:04:54,019:DEBUG:dropped
vnet0:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) dropped vnet2:(operstate:up
speed:0 duplex:full) dropped vnet1:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full)
2015-11-02 00:05:39,102:DEBUG:new vnet0:(operstate:up speed:0
duplex:full) new vnet2:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) new
vnet1:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full) 2015-11-02
01:16:47,194:DEBUG:recent_client:True 2015-11-02
01:17:32,693:DEBUG:recent_client:True, vnet0:(operstate:up speed:0
duplex:full), lan:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown),
bond0:(operstate:up speed:2000 duplex:full), bond1:(operstate:up
speed:2000 duplex:full), enp0s20f1:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), ;vdsmdummy;:(operstate:down speed:0 duplex:unknown),
ovirtmgmt:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown), lo:(operstate:up
speed:0 duplex:unknown), enp7s0f0:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), enp6s0f0:(operstate:up speed:100 duplex:full),
enp6s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full), vnet2:(operstate:up
speed:0 duplex:full), nfs:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:unknown),
vnet1:(operstate:up speed:0 duplex:full), bond2:(operstate:up
speed:3000 duplex:full), enp7s0f1:(operstate:up speed:1000
duplex:full), enp0s20f0:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f3:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full),
enp0s20f2:(operstate:up speed:1000 duplex:full) 2015-11-02
01:18:02,749:DEBUG:recent_client:False 2015-11-02
>From /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log:
22:55:16,991::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,992::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,994::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp6s0f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,995::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp6s0f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,997::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp6s0f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,997::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp6s0f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,999::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:16,999::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,001::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp7s0f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,001::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp7s0f0. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,003::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp7s0f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,003::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp7s0f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,005::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,006::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,007::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f2. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,008::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f2. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,009::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f3. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,010::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on enp0s20f3. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,014::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on ovirtmgmt. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,015::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on ovirtmgmt. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,019::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,019::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond1. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,024::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on nfs. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,024::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on nfs. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,028::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond2. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,028::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on bond2. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,033::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on lan. Thread-98::DEBUG::2015-11-01
22:55:17,033::netinfo::440::root::(_dhcp_used) There is no VDSM network
configured on lan.
And further down, always in /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log:
:(_serveRequest) Return 'Host.getCapabilities' in bridge with
:{'HBAInventory': {
'iSCSI': [{'InitiatorName': ''}],
'FC': []}, ' packages2': {'kernel': {'release': '229.14.1.el7.x86_64',
'buildtime': 144232235
1., 'version': '3.10.0'}, 'glusterfs-rdma': {'release': '1.el7',
'buildtime': 1 444235292L, 'version': '3.7.5'}, 'glusterfs-fuse':
{'release': '1.el7', 'buildti me': 1444235292L, 'version': '3.7.5'},
'spice-server': {'release': '9.el7_1.3', 'buildtime': 1444691699L,
'version': '0.12.4'}, 'librbd1': {'release': '2.el7', 'buildtime':
1425594433L, 'version': '0.80.7'}, 'vdsm': {'release': '2.gitdbbc5a
4.el7', 'buildtime': 1445459370L, 'version': '4.17.10'}, 'qemu-kvm':
{'release': '23.el7_1.9.1', 'buildtime': 1443185645L, 'version':
'2.1.2'}, 'glusterfs': {'r elease': '1.el7', 'buildtime': 1444235292L,
'version': '3.7.5'}, 'libvirt': {'release': '16.el7_1.4', 'buildtime':
1442325910L, 'version': '1.2.8'}, 'qemu-img': {'release':
'23.el7_1.9.1', 'buildtime': 1443185645L, 'version': '2.1.2'}, 'mom':
{'release': '2.el7', 'buildtime': 1442501481L, 'version': '0.5.1'},
'glusterfs-geo-replication': {'release': '1.el7', 'buildtime':
1444235292L, 'version': '3.7.5'}, 'glusterfs-server': {'release':
'1.el7', 'buildtime': 1444235292L, 'version': '3.7.5'}, 'glusterfs-
cli': {'release': '1.el7', 'buildtime': 1444235292L, 'version':
'3.7.5'}}, 'numaNodeDistance': {'0': [10]}, 'cpuModel': 'Intel(R)
Atom(TM) CPU C2750 @ 2.40GHz', 'liveMerge': 'true', 'hooks':
{'before_vm_start': {'50_hostedengine': {'md5':
'2a6d96c26a3599812be6cf1a13d9f485'}}}, 'vmTypes': ['kvm'], 'selinux':
{'mode': '0'}, 'liveSnapshot': 'true', 'kdumpStatus': 0, 'networks':
{}, 'bridges': {'ovirtmgmt': {'addr': '', 'cfg':
{'AGEING': '0', 'DEFROUTE': 'no', 'IPADDR': '',
'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL': 'yes', 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
'NETMASK': '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'static', 'STP': 'off',
'DEVICE': 'ovirtmgmt', 'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::225:90ff:fef1:cb37/64'], 'gateway': '', 'dhcpv4':
False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'stp': 'off',
'ipv4addrs': [''], 'mtu': '1500', 'ipv6gateway': '::',
'ports': ['bond0', 'vnet0'], 'opts': {'multicast_last_member_count':
'2', 'hash_elasticity': '4', 'multicast_query_response_interval':
'1000', 'group_fwd_mask': '0x0', 'multicast_snooping': '1',
'multicast_startup_query_interval': '3125', 'hello_timer': '83',
'multicast_querier_interval': '25500', 'max_age': '2000', 'hash_max':
'512', 'stp_state': '0', 'topology_change_detected': '0', 'priority':
'32768', 'multicast_membership_interval': '26000', 'root_path_cost':
'0', 'root_port': '0', 'multicast_querier': '0',
'multicast_startup_query_count': '2', 'nf_call_iptables': '0',
'topology_change': '0', 'hello_time': '200', 'root_id':
'8000.002590f1cb37', 'bridge_id': '8000.002590f1cb37',
'topology_change_timer': '0', 'ageing_time': '0', 'nf_call_ip6tables':
'0', 'gc_timer': '83', 'nf_call_arptables': '0', 'group_addr':
'1:80:c2:0:0:0', 'multicast_last_member_interval': '100',
'default_pvid': '1', 'multicast_query_interval': '12500', 'tcn_timer':
'0', 'multicast_router': '1', 'vlan_filtering': '0', 'forward_delay':
'0'}}, 'lan': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'AGEING': '0',
'IPADDR': '', 'GATEWAY': '', 'DELAY':
'static', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'lan', 'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL': 'yes',
'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
['fe80::a236:9fff:fe38:88cd/64'], 'gateway': '',
'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'stp':
'off', 'ipv4addrs': ['', ''],
'mtu': '1500', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ports': ['vnet1', 'enp6s0f0'],
'opts': {'multicast_last_member_count': '2', 'hash_elasticity': '4',
'multicast_query_response_interval': '1000', 'group_fwd_mask': '0x0',
'multicast_snooping': '1', 'multicast_startup_query_interval': '3125',
'hello_timer': '82', 'multicast_querier_interval': '25500', 'max_age':
'2000', 'hash_max': '512', 'stp_state': '0',
'topology_change_detected': '0', 'priority': '32768',
'multicast_membership_interval': '26000', 'root_path_cost': '0',
'root_port': '0', 'multicast_querier': '0',
'multicast_startup_query_count': '2', 'nf_call_iptables': '0',
'topology_change': '0', 'hello_time': '200', 'root_id':
'8000.a0369f3888cd', 'bridge_id': '8000.a0369f3888cd',
'topology_change_timer': '0', 'ageing_time': '0', 'nf_call_ip6tables':
'0', 'gc_timer': '82', 'nf_call_arptables': '0', 'group_addr':
'1:80:c2:0:0:0', 'multicast_last_member_interval': '100',
'default_pvid': '1', 'multicast_query_interval': '12500', 'tcn_timer':
'0', 'multicast_router': '1', 'vlan_filtering': '0', 'forward_delay':
'0'}}, 'nfs': {'addr': '', 'cfg': {'AGEING': '0',
'yes', 'DELAY': '0', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'NETMASK':
'', 'BOOTPROTO': 'static', 'STP': 'off', 'DEVICE': 'nfs',
'TYPE': 'Bridge', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
['fe80::225:90ff:fef1:cb35/64'], 'gateway': '', 'dhcpv4': False,
'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'stp': 'off',
'ipv4addrs': ['', ''], 'mtu': '9000',
'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ports': ['bond1', 'vnet2'], 'opts':
{'multicast_last_member_count': '2', 'hash_elasticity': '4',
'multicast_query_response_interval': '1000', 'group_fwd_mask': '0x0',
'multicast_snooping': '1', 'multicast_startup_query_interval': '3125',
'hello_timer': '183', 'multicast_querier_interval': '25500',
'max_age': '2000', 'hash_max': '512', 'stp_state': '0',
'topology_change_detected': '0', 'priority': '32768',
'multicast_membership_interval': '26000', 'root_path_cost': '0',
'root_port': '0', 'multicast_querier': '0',
'multicast_startup_query_count': '2', 'nf_call_iptables': '0',
'topology_change': '0', 'hello_time': '200', 'root_id':
'8000.002590f1cb35', 'bridge_id': '8000.002590f1cb35',
'topology_change_timer': '0', 'ageing_time': '0', 'nf_call_ip6tables':
'0', 'gc_timer': '83', 'nf_call_arptables': '0', 'group_addr':
'1:80:c2:0:0:0', 'multicast_last_member_interval': '100',
'default_pvid': '1', 'multicast_query_interval': '12500', 'tcn_timer':
'0', 'multicast_router': '1', 'vlan_filtering': '0', 'forward_delay':
'0'}}}, 'uuid': '2a1855a9-18fb-4d7a-b8b8-6fc898a8e827', 'onlineCpus':
'0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7', 'nics': {'enp0s20f1': {'permhwaddr':
'00:25:90:f1:cb:35', 'addr': '', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [],
'mtu': '9000', 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False,
'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
'ETHTOOL_OPTS': '-K ${DEVICE} tso off ufo off gso off gro off lro
off', 'DEVICE': 'enp0s20f1', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond1',
'HWADDR': '00:25:90:F1:CB:35', 'TYPE': 'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:35', 'speed': 1000, 'gateway': ''},
'enp7s0f0': {'permhwaddr': 'a0:36:9f:38:88:cf', 'addr': '',
'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '9000', 'dhcpv4': False,
'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'ETHTOOL_OPTS': '-K ${DEVICE} tso off
ufo off gso off gro off lro off', 'DEVICE': 'enp7s0f0', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'MASTER': 'bond1', 'HWADDR': 'A0:36:9F:38:88:CF', 'TYPE':
'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:35', 'speed':
1000, 'gateway': ''}, 'enp6s0f0': {'addr': '', 'ipv6gateway': '::',
'ipv6addrs': ['fe80::a236:9fff:fe38:88cd/64'], 'mtu': '1500',
'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'ipv4addrs': [],
'cfg': {'BRIDGE': 'lan', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'ETHTOOL_OPTS': '-K
${DEVICE} tso off ufo off gso off gro off lro off', 'DEVICE':
'enp6s0f0', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'HWADDR': 'A0:36:9F:38:88:CD',
'TYPE': 'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'hwaddr': 'a0:36:9f:38:88:cd',
'speed': 100, 'gateway': ''}, 'enp6s0f1': {'permhwaddr':
'a0:36:9f:38:88:cc', 'addr': '', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [],
'mtu': '1500', 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False,
'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
'DEVICE': 'enp6s0f1', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond0',
'HWADDR': 'A0:36:9F:38:88:CC', 'TYPE': 'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:37', 'speed': 1000, 'gateway': ''},
'enp7s0f1': {'permhwaddr': 'a0:36:9f:38:88:ce', 'addr': '',
'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '9000', 'dhcpv4': False,
'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'enp7s0f1', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'MASTER': 'bond2', 'HWADDR': 'A0:36:9F:38:88:CE', 'TYPE':
'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:34', 'speed':
1000, 'gateway': ''}, 'enp0s20f0': {'permhwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:34',
'addr': '', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '9000',
'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'ipv4addrs': [],
'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'enp0s20f0',
'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond2', 'HWADDR': '00:25:90:F1:CB:34',
'TYPE': 'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:34',
'speed': 1000, 'gateway': ''}, 'enp0s20f3': {'permhwaddr':
'00:25:90:f1:cb:37', 'addr': '', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [],
'mtu': '1500', 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False,
'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE': 'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
'DEVICE': 'enp0s20f3', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'MASTER': 'bond0',
'HWADDR': '00:25:90:F1:CB:37', 'TYPE': 'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'},
'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:37', 'speed': 1000, 'gateway': ''},
'enp0s20f2': {'permhwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:36', 'addr': '',
'ipv6gateway': '::', 'ipv6addrs': [], 'mtu': '9000', 'dhcpv4': False,
'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'ipv4addrs': [], 'cfg': {'SLAVE':
'yes', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'DEVICE': 'enp0s20f2', 'BOOTPROTO':
'none', 'MASTER': 'bond2', 'HWADDR': '00:25:90:F1:CB:36', 'TYPE':
'Ethernet', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:34', 'speed':
1000, 'gateway'
: ''}}, 'software_revision': '2', 'hostdevPassthrough': 'false',
: 'clusterLevels': ['3.4', '3.5', '3.6'], 'cpuFlags': 'fpu,vme,de,pse,t-
: sc,msr,pae,mce,cx8,apic,sep,mtrr,pge,mca,cmov,pat,pse36,clflush,dts,a-
: cpi,mmx,fxsr,sse,sse2,ss,ht,tm,pbe,syscall,nx,rdtscp,lm,constant_tsc,-
: arch_perfmon,pebs,bts,rep_good,nopl,xtopology,nonstop_tsc,aperfmperf,-
: pni,pclmulqdq,dtes64,monitor,ds_cpl,vmx,est,tm2,ssse3,cx16,xtpr,pdcm,-
: sse4_1,sse4_2,movbe,popcnt,tsc_deadline_timer,aes,rdrand,lahf_lm,3dno-
: wprefetch,ida,arat,epb,dtherm,tpr_shadow,vnmi,flexpriority,ept,vpid,t-
: sc_adjust,smep,erms,model_Nehalem,model_Conroe,model_coreduo,model_co-
: re2duo,model_Penryn,model_Westmere,model_n270', 'ISCSIInitiatorName':
: '', 'netConfigDirty': 'False',
: 'supportedENGINEs': ['3.4', '3.5', '3.6'], 'autoNumaBalancing': 0,
: 'GLUSTER_BRICK_MANAGEMENT'], 'reservedMem': '321', 'bondings':
: {'bond0': {'ipv4addrs': [], 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE': 'ovirtmgmt',
: 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'BONDING_OPTS': 'mode=balance-
: rr miimon=100', 'DEVICE': 'bond0', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
: ['fe80::225:90ff:fef1:cb37/64'], 'active_slave': '', 'mtu': '1500',
: 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'slaves':
: ['enp0s20f3', 'enp6s0f1'], 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:37',
: 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'gateway': '', 'opts': {'miimon': '100'}},
: 'bond1': {'ipv4addrs': [], 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'BRIDGE': 'nfs', 'MTU':
: '9000', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no', 'BOOTPROTO': 'none', 'BONDING_OPTS':
: 'mode=802.3ad xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3 miimon=100', 'DEVICE':
: 'bond1', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
: ['fe80::225:90ff:fef1:cb35/64'], 'active_slave': '', 'mtu': '9000',
: 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False, 'slaves':
: ['enp0s20f1', 'enp7s0f0'], 'hwaddr': '00:25:90:f1:cb:35',
: 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'gateway': '', 'opts': {'miimon': '100', 'mode':
: '4', 'xmit_hash_policy': '2'}}, 'bond2': {'ipv4addrs':
: [''], 'addr': '', 'cfg': {'DEFROUTE': 'no',
: 'IPADDR': '', 'MTU': '9000', 'NM_CONTROLLED': 'no',
: 'NETMASK': '', 'BOOTPROTO': 'static', 'BONDING_OPTS':
: 'mode=802.3ad xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3 miimon=100', 'DEVICE':
: 'bond2', 'ONBOOT': 'yes'}, 'ipv6addrs':
: ['fe80::225:90ff:fef1:cb34/64'], 'active_slave': '', 'mtu': '9000',
: 'dhcpv4': False, 'netmask': '', 'dhcpv6': False,
: 'slaves': ['enp0s20f0', 'enp0s20f2', 'enp7s0f1'], 'hwaddr':
: '00:25:90:f1:cb:34', 'ipv6gateway': '::', 'gateway': '', 'opts':
: {'miimon': '100', 'mode': '4', 'xmit_hash_policy': '2'}}},
: 'software_version': '4.17', 'memSize': '16021', 'cpuSpeed':
: '2401.000', 'numaNodes': {'0': {'totalMemory': '16021', 'cpus': [0, 1,
: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}}, 'cpuSockets': '1', 'vlans': {},
: 'lastClientIface': 'ovirtmgmt', 'cpuCores': '8', 'kvmEnabled': 'true',
: 'guestOverhead': '65', 'version_name': 'Snow Man', 'cpuThreads': '8',
: 'emulatedMachines': ['pc-i440fx-rhel7.1.0', 'rhel6.3.0', 'pc-q35-
: rhel7.0.0', 'rhel6.1.0', 'rhel6.6.0', 'rhel6.2.0', 'pc', 'pc-q35-
: rhel7.1.0', 'q35', 'rhel6.4.0', 'rhel6.0.0', 'rhel6.5.0', 'pc-i440fx-
: rhel7.0.0'], 'rngSources': ['random'], 'operatingSystem': {'release':
: '1.1503.el7.centos.2.8', 'version': '7', 'name': 'RHEL'}}
Navigating the Admin web UI offered by the engine, editing (with the
"Edit" button or using the corresponding context menu entry) the
hosted_engine_1 host, I do not find any way to associate the logical
oVirt ovirtmgmt network to the already present ovirtmgmt Linux bridge.
Furthermore, the "Network Interfaces" tab of the aforementioned host
shows only plain interfaces and bonds (all marked with a down-pointing
red arrow, even if they are actually up and running), but not the
already defined Linux bridges; inside this tab I find two buttons:
"Setup Host Networks" (which would allow me to drag-and-drop-associate
the ovirtmgmt logical network to an already present bond, like the right
one: bond0, but I avoid it, since I fear it would try to create a bridge
from scratch, while it's actually present now and it already has the
host address assigned on top, allowing engine-host communication at the
moment) and "Sync All Networks" (which actively scares me with a
threatening "Are you sure you want to synchronize all host's networks?",
which I deny, since it's view is already wrong and it's absolutely not
clear in which direction the synchronization would go).
So, it seems to me that either I need to perform on the host further
pre-configuration steps for the ovirtmgmt bridge (beyond the ifcfg-*
setup) or there is a bug in the setup/adminportal (a UI/usability
bug, maybe) :)
Many thanks again for your help.
Kind regards, Giuseppe
> When the host will become active you'll can continue with hosted-engine-
> setup.
>> I seem to recall that a preconfigured network setup on oVirt 3.6
>> would need something predefined on the libvirt side too (apart from
>> usual ifcfg-* files), but I cannot find the relevant mailing list
>> message anymore nor any other specific documentation.
Does anyone have any further suggestion or clue (code/docs to read)?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
PS: please keep also my address in replying because I'm experiencing
some problems between Hotmail and oVirt-mailing-list
Users mailing list
>> Users(a)
8 years, 10 months
poor graphic performances with spice
by Nathanaël Blanchet
I'm studying a possibility to use ovirt as a vdi solution with centos or
fedora guests. But using spice is awfull and graphics are very slow (in
particulary videos). Qxl drivers are installed and spice-vdagent works
as expected on the guest side.
However, it is amazing to see that glxgears benchmarks are good...
I wonder how it is possible to adopt such a vdi solution when the user
experience is so bad.
I may miss something and may need recommandations of experimented vdi
users :)
Thank you for your help.
Nathanaël Blanchet
Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax 33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
8 years, 10 months
VDSM downgrade and GlusterFS question
by Christophe TREFOIS
I have two questions. I have a cluster with 2 nodes, both have local storage, one GlusterFS (for future upgrade) and one NFS.
1. I have slightly different versions of KVM and VDSM on both nodes. Can this lead to problems? If so, can I downgrade , eg yum history rollback the latest updates?
2. On the other host, I have self-hosted oVirt with GlusterFS and am wondering what would be the proper workflow to upgrade VDSM and KVM ? Do I have to shutdown the storage first? If so, does that mean shutting down all the VMs?
Any help on this topic would be very welcome,
P.s.: I know our setup is not ideal for HA and resilience, but we do with what we have :)
8 years, 10 months
[ANN] oVirt 3.5.5 Final Release is now available
by Sandro Bonazzola
The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability
of the oVirt 3.5.5 Final Release, as of October 26th, 2015.
This release is available now for
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar) and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar).
This release supports Hypervisor Hosts running
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar),
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar) and Fedora 21.
This release of oVirt 3.5.5 includes updated packages for:
- oVirt Engine
- oVirt Hosted Engine HA
- oVirt Hosted Engine Setup
- oVirt Data Warehouse
- oVirt Reports
- oVirt Engine SDK
- oVirt Engine client
See the release notes [1] for a list of fixed bugs.
Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
a new oVirt Live ISO is already available [2].
Please note that mirrors[3] may need usually one day before being
Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
Sandro Bonazzola
Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
See how it works at
8 years, 10 months
Host In Peril?
by Duckworth, Douglas C
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hash: SHA1=0A=
Magnanimous Ladies and Gentlemen=0A=
Due to an overly aggressive n00b rush, an ungraceful shutdown of our=0A=
Hosted Engine ensued.=0A=
We were able to restore the Hosted Engine via RTFM.=0A=
However the RHEL Host 6.6, upon which the Hosted Engine's integrity=0A=
depends, seems to have lost its network scripts. Forgive me for=0A=
inquiring about a topic that's probably been discussed many times.=0A=
I restored the iSCSI and Management, Display, and VM VLAN's by=0A=
reconstructing the ifcfg scripts. However we're not able to get vdsm=0A=
to restore what should exist. So once RHEV-M returns the Host is of=0A=
course Non Operational.=0A=
On the Host we have net_persistence =3D unified set in vdsm.conf.=0A=
/var/run/vdsm/netconf/{nets,bonds} are empty.=0A=
Though /var/lib/vdsm/persistence/netconf/{nets,bonds} contains=0A=
wonderful JSON.=0A=
If files are copied from /var/run/vdsm/netconf/* to=0A=
/var/lib/vdsm/persistence/netconf/* then does this present a problem?=0A=
How does persistence work with a stateful RHEL Host?=0A=
I did not set up this Host so cannot vouch for its proper configuration.=0A=
We've concerned about letting RHEV-M reconfigure the network of this=0A=
Host since if we lose the iSCSI bond that would be bad for the=0A=
manager. We do not have another Hosted Engine capable Host at this=0A=
time :)=0A=
If could you please assist I promise a cocktail or two the next time=0A=
you visit New Orleans.=0A=
- -- =0A=
Douglas Charles Duckworth=0A=
Unix Administrator=0A=
Tulane University=0A=
Technology Services=0A=
1555 Poydras Ave=0A=
NOLA -- 70112=0A=
E: duckd(a)
O: 504-988-9341=0A=
F: 504-988-8505=0A=
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)=0A=
Content-Type: application/pgp-keys; name="0x356B1429.asc"
Content-Description: 0x356B1429.asc
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="0x356B1429.asc"; size=3129;
creation-date="Thu, 29 Oct 2015 22:04:06 GMT";
modification-date="Thu, 29 Oct 2015 22:04:06 GMT"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
8 years, 10 months
Hosted-engine 3.6RC
by noc
Hi All,
I have tried to get a hosted-engine-3.6RC for quite some time now and
everytime I run into the same problem: sanlock error 22.
(as do more people on this list)
This time I decided to cleanup my laptop, remove everything related to
hosted-engine (vdsm/sanlock/ovirt/libvirt/qemu) including items in /etc
and /var and /lib, even reversed my nic settings.
Attached are the logs from boot, both host and engine, until I gave up
because I got the same sanlock error.
Only thing I forgot is the exact versions of hosted-engine on my host
and ovirt-engine in the engine host.
My host is F22 fully upgraded, engine is Centos7, no firewalld/iptables
and SELinunx is permissive on the host, Enforcing on the engine.
Versions are of 1-11-2015 from I've edited
/etc/yum.repos/ovirt-3.6.repo to NOT use the mirrors on both my host and
the engine.
Setup is that the host exports a couple of NFS (v3) shares for the
hosted-engine and for the data/iso/export-domains later on.
Anything else I can provide let me know please.
8 years, 10 months
FC Storage as shared storage in ovirt
by Vladislav Solovei
Hi, all :)
I have a question. My hardware:
2 x Dell R530 Servers, each has FC HBA
1 x Dell SC v2020 Storage with FC Interface.
Each server is connected directly to storage by FC.
With ovirt, can i use this storage as shared storage for my two servers?
8 years, 10 months
api access with poweruser role
by Jorick Astrego
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Currently I=27m trying to add an ovirt compute resource in forman that is=
limited to the VM=27s of the user=2E
When I give this user the PowerUser role=2C I cannot access the api=3A
query execution failed due to insufficient permissions
When I give this user the SuperUser role=2C I can access the api=2E But I=
can see all the VM=27s of all users=2E
How can I grant api access so the user can deploy through forman without
giving access to all the vm=27s in our oVirt environment=3F
Kind regards=2C
Met vriendelijke groet=2C With kind regards=2C
Jorick Astrego
Netbulae Virtualization Experts=20
=09Tel=3A 053 20 30 270 =09info=40netbulae=2Eeu =09Staalsteden 4-3A =09KvK=
=09Fax=3A 053 20 30 271 =09www=2Enetbulae=2Eeu =097547 TA Enschede =09BTW=
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
=3Cmeta http-equiv=3D=22content-type=22 content=3D=22text/html=3B chars=
=3Cbody bgcolor=3D=22=23FFFFFF=22 text=3D=22=23000000=22=3E
Currently I=27m trying to add an ovirt compute resource in forman that=
is limited to the VM=27s of the user=2E =3Cbr=3E
When I give this user the PowerUser role=2C I cannot access the api=3A=
=3Cblockquote=3Equery execution failed due to insufficient permissions=
When I give this user the SuperUser role=2C I can access the api=2E But=
I can see all the VM=27s of all users=2E=3Cbr=3E
How can I grant api access so the user can deploy through forman
without giving access to all the vm=27s in our oVirt environment=3F=3Cb=
Kind regards=2C=3Cbr=3E
=3CBR /=3E
=3CBR /=3E
=3Cb style=3D=22color=3A=23604c78=22=3E=3C/b=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan styl=
e=3D=22color=3A=23604c78=3B=22=3E=3Cfont color=3D=22000000=22=3E=3Cspan sty=
le=3D=22mso-fareast-language=3Aen-gb=3B=22 lang=3D=22NL=22=3EMet vriendelij=
ke groet=2C With kind regards=2C=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3EJorick Astrego=3Cbr=3E=3C/s=
pan=3E=3C/font=3E=3C/span=3E=3Cb style=3D=22color=3A=23604c78=22=3E=3Cbr=3E=
Netbulae Virtualization Experts =3C/b=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Chr style=3D=22border=3An=
one=3Bborder-top=3A1px solid =23ccc=3B=22=3E=3Ctable style=3D=22width=3A 52=
2px=22=3E=3Ctbody=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A=
10px=22=3ETel=3A 053 20 30 270=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130p=
x=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3Einfo=40netbulae=2Eeu=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=
=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EStaalsteden 4-3A=3C/td=3E =20=
=3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EKvK 08198180=3C/td=
=3E=3C/tr=3E=3Ctr=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=
=22=3EFax=3A 053 20 30 271=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfo=
nt-size=3A 10px=22=3Ewww=2Enetbulae=2Eeu=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=3D=22width=
=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3E7547 TA Enschede=3C/td=3E =3Ctd style=
=3D=22width=3A 130px=3Bfont-size=3A 10px=22=3EBTW NL821234584B01=3C/td=3E=
=3C/tr=3E=3C/tbody=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Chr style=3D=22border=3Anone=3Bb=
order-top=3A1px solid =23ccc=3B=22=3E=3CBR /=3E
8 years, 10 months
Ovirt and Shorewall
by Johan Vermeulen
Hello All,
I'm still experimenting with Ovirt-setup.
Because Centos/Rhel7 now have Firewalld, and because I still have some
machines with Iptables, I was kinda hoping to use Shorewall on both.
Is there any support/documentation for this in the Ovirt-world?
Many thanks, J.
8 years, 10 months
Manually preconfigured network interfaces/bridges on oVirt 3.6 HC HE
by Giuseppe Ragusa
Hi all,
I'm stuck with the following error during the final phase of ovirt-hosted-engine-setup:
The host hosted_engine_1 is in non-operational state.
Please try to activate it via the engine webadmin UI.
If I login on the engine administration web UI I find the corresponding message (inside NonOperational first host hosted_engine_1 Events tab):
Host hosted_engine_1 does not comply with the cluster Default networks, the following networks are missing on host: 'ovirtmgmt'
I'm installing with an oVirt snapshot from October the 27th on a fully-patched CentOS 7.1 host with a GlusterFS volume (3.7.5 hyperconverged, replica 3, for the engine-vm) pre-created and network interfaces/bridges (ovirtmgmt and other two bridges, called nfs and lan, on underlying 802.3ad bonds or plain interfaces) manually pre-configured in /etc/sysconfig/network-interfaces/ifcfg-* (using "classic" network service; NetworkManager disabled).
I seem to recall that a preconfigured network setup on oVirt 3.6 would need something predefined on the libvirt side too (apart from usual ifcfg-* files), but I cannot find the relevant mailing list message anymore nor any other specific documentation.
Does anyone have any further suggestion or clue (code/docs to read)?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
PS: please keep also my address in replying because I'm experiencing some problems between Hotmail and oVirt-mailing-list
8 years, 10 months